Wow......I feel like I am not committing to this at all; I do want to write every day but it seems like I haven't had any motivation to do so...but I promise I will get better! I am almost down to a year of writing!! Even though in the past couple of months I haven't written everyday but I have written more than I use to!
Today was fun. I really wasn't planning to do anything but then I remembered that my cousin Mel wanted to go to this ceramic place so I went with her, her/my nephew Tristan, my other cousins Nana, amir and yasmina. we picked out some clay ceramics and painted them. I did a mug and a flower bowl. It was fun and very therapeutic :) loved it.
After wards we went to Ben & Jerrys had some ice cream and what not....hung out at Nana's for a while and now I am home. I can't believe that the weekend went by soo quick. Wish it was Saturday again!!
Anywho I should get to bed...or atleast start the process of getting ready to sleep LOL.