Wow......I feel like I am not committing to this at all; I do want to write every day but it seems like I haven't had any motivation to do so...but I promise I will get better! I am almost down to a year of writing!! Even though in the past couple of months I haven't written everyday but I have written more than I use to!
Today was fun. I really wasn't planning to do anything but then I remembered that my cousin Mel wanted to go to this ceramic place so I went with her, her/my nephew Tristan, my other cousins Nana, amir and yasmina. we picked out some clay ceramics and painted them. I did a mug and a flower bowl. It was fun and very therapeutic :) loved it.
After wards we went to Ben & Jerrys had some ice cream and what not....hung out at Nana's for a while and now I am home. I can't believe that the weekend went by soo quick. Wish it was Saturday again!!
Anywho I should get to bed...or atleast start the process of getting ready to sleep LOL.


  1. Sarah Karr

    You are slacking with this, lol. We should go there some time, it sounds like a cool place, and the stuff you guys made was pretty cool.


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