Wow......I feel like I am not committing to this at all; I do want to write every day but it seems like I haven't had any motivation to do so...but I promise I will get better! I am almost down to a year of writing!! Even though in the past couple of months I haven't written everyday but I have written more than I use to!
Today was fun. I really wasn't planning to do anything but then I remembered that my cousin Mel wanted to go to this ceramic place so I went with her, her/my nephew Tristan, my other cousins Nana, amir and yasmina. we picked out some clay ceramics and painted them. I did a mug and a flower bowl. It was fun and very therapeutic :) loved it.
After wards we went to Ben & Jerrys had some ice cream and what not....hung out at Nana's for a while and now I am home. I can't believe that the weekend went by soo quick. Wish it was Saturday again!!
Anywho I should get to bed...or atleast start the process of getting ready to sleep LOL.

OneHundred-SixtyThree || 201 days left...

And it was monday....
Work was ok. In the morning it went by pretty fast...I had a bunch of checks coming in and everything like that. It's going to be quite for a while because it is convention week and people are going to Chicago for it.
I opened up this organizer that I had bought from Target...yeah that didn't work out too well I need to return it because it didn't come with hooks...of course!!
I rearranged my room! It looks nice...when I clean it up a little I will show some pictures off :)
i should get to bed soon...I am Tired!

OneHundred-SixtyTwo || 202 days left...

I feel like a FAILURE!!! I made a promise to write everyday but it's been more than a month!!! ALMOST TWO!!! So sorry...I guess I got caught up with work and everything that i kept delaying...but I promise NOW that I will do everyday till the last one!
Ok so what's going on..alot, work has been busy as hell, I've missed out on the summer...this time last year I was always at the beach tanning and relaxing, now I am working and stuck inside...but atleast I've got the weekends!
Sarah's birthday week was awesome. We started off going to BAR at 12am on Sunday; then that sunday we celebrated again with all our friends. Then this weekend we went to the casino, drank and played. Saturday me and her met up with her family at Quassy...we beached it the whole day..we got lost going there and going home...CRAZY but it was a fun lil adventure getting lost in our own state HAHA.
I got tan a little; awesome, I need to tan some more before September comes LOL; that to me is the end of summer...I can't believe how FAST these months have flown by. It feels like it was just march when I started at my it's mid-july and almost August! Freakin' nuts!
I'm thinking about re-arranging my room right needs something hmmm....I want to put my bed where my desk was and put my TV where the bed is now....hmmm let me try this out hha. I'll let you know how this goes