EightyFour || 281 days left...

Work was good. Pretty quite; nice day and everything.
I got evaluated today by my supervisor and they are planning to keep me haha.
I really like it there; and I am starting to get the hang of things.
Ugh my nose is all congested right now - I think it's my allergies...I was around dust today because I was cleaning my desk LOL.
I can't believe tomorrow is May! Crazy how these last 2 months have gone by like the blink of an eye.
Ugh I should get to bed now..tired lol.

EightyThree || 282 days left...

Work was good. Busy today, well slow in the morning and then it got quite busy after lunch.
Here are some pictures from yesterday:

Haha SAKI!

- The chef ended up making balloon animals and hearts (like this one) for all the kids haha too funny. I really like that place but hibachi was so expensive. Sushi was REALLY good though...LOVE sushi! hah

EightyTwo || 283 days left...

Work was good.
Went out to Kumos for my cousin's birthday.
Pictures tomorrow!
LOL hilarious ones too!

EightyOne || 284 days left...

Work was work today. It was really hot in the offices...like around 78 degrees but it was much cooler outside.
It was a rainy day; which sucked but it cleared up by this afternoon.
Tomorrow going out for Hibachi and sushi with the family to celebrate Mel's 40th birthday!!
I'm so tired...well time for bed..lol what a boring life I live

Eighty || 285 days left...

Work was work. The first half of the day I felt nauseous and I really considered leaving early because so...but then after lunch I was feeling better...maybe I should start eating breakfast lol.
It was another slow day at work...idk why lol. Hopefully tomorrow won't be too bad.
The weather kind of sucked...another rainy day.
Friday will make it 2 months officially of working at Subway...I cannot believe it! I'm still on trial because it's 90 days. but I can't believe it will be already 60 days. Crazy....
I really like my job and I like the people there.

SeventyNine || 286 days left...

So last night was a blast.
Went out to Joker's Wild in New Haven with my cousins Amy and Mel, and Mel's friend Kristen. It was so much fun. The comedians were hilarious and the food & drinks were great (better experience than the NYC comedy club) Had a chocolate martini that was REALLY strong, then I had about 4 murphy's stout lol. I had this awesome sandwich called the "No Joke Steak and Cheese" it had obviously the steak and cheese plus onions, sauteed mushrooms and BACON! lol
Afterwards we went to another bar which use to be my favorite place (the Playwright) but now it is called something Wolf (I can't remember the first part) but they had a band called the Zoo which is like a cover band, they were voted the ultimate cover band by MTV; they weren't too bad; good music.
Today the family came over. The usual Sunday gathering which was fun. Had lots of food and desert (cookies and cupcakes!!) I'm deciding whether to buy a camera now or save up money till later...I mean I need a smaller one for like concerts or if I go out to the bars and stuff (because my baby nikon is not going around with me everywhere LOL) I'm thinking of buying the Canon HD 12 megapixal one. So if I record a video it will be nice and clear lol.
Tomorrow is another week of work :) I cannot believe that Friday will be 2 months completed! I'm still on trial (90 days) but I think it is going good; I think it is...Then Saturday I am moving in to my sister's for a week because my parents decided to take a vacation lol.

SeventyEight || 287 days left...

Ok so Yesterday work was slow (which I had mention) but I think I know why; in CO one of the franchisees' husband had passed away from a stroke, and the community (along with owners/managers) knew him. The scary thing is that I just literally talked to him on Monday and I talked to the DA offices and they said they just saw him on Thursday. He was healthy and everything; even lost a few pounds. These things happen and that's the scary thing because it can happen to anyone. He was young; early 40's I believe. So sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
After work I took a nap and then went out to the bars. We tried to go to this one bar but we couldn't get in because of ID issues with a certain friend...hahah...but we finally found a bar that was good and it was a karaoke bar too haha. So much fun; I had a few drinks and I tried this banana split martini (OMG SOOO GOOD!!!) then me, taylor, and Lin did a peanut butter and jelly shot. Omg it was sooo good too lol; it smelt like peanut butter and tasted like jelly amaze-balls lol.
Around 1am we headed back to Taylor's house; hung out for a bit then walked over to the diner and got some much needed food; whenever I drink I crave a juicy cheese burger lol haha. I was so annoyed with the fucking highschool teenagers eating behind us. UGH so annoying shouldn't they be in bed, it was like 2am damn...lol even the owner was getting annoyed.
Got home around 3am and crashed. I was tired and sleepy and slept for a good 6 hours. Haha; Tonight I am going out...again; with my cousins. We're going out to Joker's Wild for Mel's Pre-Birthday Celebration. That will be fun :)

Today at work was a really slow day....I mean like REALLY slow. But I think I know why now. But I'll explain that later.
Went out with the girls and lin's boyfriend Taylor and his friend Josh.
Was fun :)

Of course I hit traffic on the way to work today....another accident; luckily I wasn't the only one late. When I was walking outside to the building I saw my co-worker Cheryl who also is from West Haven, she hit it too.
My supervisor came in late today, she came in at 2pm-ish I think she had some errands to do.
Today was actually a really good day; I only got about 4-3 calls today and I did my sales, plus out of all my 342 stores only 7 stores were estimated (usually I get 18-13 stores a week estimated).
Someone must be watching out for me up there :) and I thank them :D
Today was a nice day too; but then it rained and then the sun came out and then it rained again...the weather couldn't make a decision LOL.
Ugh almost time for bed....atleast tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Today was better than yesterday...thank god!
It went by quicker; that's good. Tomorrow will be another busy day because of sales; just like any other Thursday.
Today was Administrative Appreciation day; where we thanked our department secretary for all her hard work. Jane is such a nice lady and funny as hell. The department got her flowers and two boxes of cupcakes for everyone...it was sooo good lol.
Today was a nice day; although I did not go on break to take a walk outside; I was too lazy lol.
Any way; I am so tired...gonna go to bed!

SeventyFour || 291 days left...

today was a reck. headache and what not...

Another week of work.
Weekends are becoming just a glimpse now. It kind of sucks. But I like my job enough to stay and the money isn't too bad :)
Work was pretty good today...the morning just REALLY dragged. We had a coffee/dounut day courtesy of Fred Deluca (founder of subway); treated everyone to Dounkin Donuts haha. Today was a nice day; it was cold but then it was nice, had lunch outside with the ladies as well; a bit windy but we made the best of it.
I miss hanging out with friends when I can...and it's getting harder and harder to make plans with people; for two reasons only ... I work M-F and then when the weekends come I only have Saturday to my self and then Sunday is 99% of the time Family Day .... ahhh. I guess that is life though right? Ugh...

SeventyTwo || 293 days left...

I am so tiredddddd.
Went to Brunch with the family; made a cake for Courtney, her birthday was thursday and today was my brother and her's 1 yr. anniversary. Too cute!!
Then my cousins and her kids came over for a while and we watched some cheesey movies lol.
Dreading work tomorrow. So tiring.
I'm awaiting for the weekend! lol blahhhh blahhhh

saturday was aboring day.
the end lol

Seventy || 295 days left...

Work was suckish.
Ugh It gave me such a headache...luckily it was an early day....or else.
Opened up a new bank account with Bank of America so I can do direct deposit my checks instead of doing it manually. so that is good.
Tonight is all about catching up on my shows and relaxing....

SixtyNine || 296 days left...

Work was busy today.
As every thursday is...
Collected sales for most of the day; put orders on hold till after 3 when sales closed out for the week.
Then I had to send out a mass email to all my franchisees because there have been credit frauds going around and one customer is suing a franchisee for 66,000 dollars (I believe thats how much).
one of my stores (which I found out today) was breached and is now a victim of the credit fraud; hopefully they could recover from this asap.
I'm hoping that is the only store of mine.
Tomorrow is an early day...yikes; atleast I get out early and I get to cash my check

SixtyEight || 297 Days Left...

Today was such a drag!!
Didn't go to bed till 11pm which right there screwed up my whole day today lol. Woke up feeling so groggy and tired. Got into work and there was just no action happening...seriously I literally got like 3 calls in 3 hours haha.
Had a meeting with my benefits person @ work. My health insurance kicks in in May and I am doing the 401k program as well to build up my retirement plan :)
I'm so tired; I'll probably go to bed earlier like 8:30 or so...

SixtySeven || 298 days left...

Work was ehh...I got to update an edit list on my own so that is good :)
Lindsay is coming over. We're gonna watch a movie..not sure which one but we will figure it out lol.
My allergies are slowly going away but they are still present.
The weather was nice today; went for a walk, also had lunch outside with my boss.

SixtySix || 299 days left...

Work was blahh; Kind of slow but then it picked up.
The weather was really nice, but my allergies were acting up.
I am so tired...Wed I have a meeting with the benefits dept so I can start my health insurance and everything.
I thought it would happen in June but I guess its in May.
Is it the weekend yet? lol seriously I am so tired.

SixtyFive || 300 days left...

Family day!
Lovely day to see the family :)
My cousin got the tickets for Lady Gaga finally! Whoop Whoop lmao. She's coming to the XL center in September. I have to remember to take that Friday off from work or come in late or something lol.
I like my new phone its pretty cool, the battery life just really sucks.
I think I ate too much lol; we ordered out today instead of cooking...blahhh lol so much fooood.
Back to work tomorrow...feels like I only had one day off; this sucks. lol
anyways I'm gonna go...maybe take a nap or something; I feel so bloated.

SixtyFour || 301 days left...

Saturday was a very lazy lazy day...
lol what do you expect man...working 5 days a week...totally deserved it!
I am so tired though...ugh.
Gonna go play some sims then head off to bed :)

SixtyThree || 302 days left...

Work was pretty slow today. I got an angry email from that person yesterday...which I am not surprised; but that's life right? Ahhh...anywho so work was slow...just caught up on some stuff; re-arranged the office space and what not.
I love my new phone!!!!!! Yesterday I upgraded my phone; got the HTC Droid Eris. It is a smart phone 3G; it's got pandora, and this cool app. where I can make my own ringtone from mp3s that I send from my computer (AWESOME!!!)
ahhhh loves it :D
anyways its the weekend. Time to catch up on my shows, etc.,

SixtyTwo || 303 days left...

Work was ehh today...boring and long and then I get this call...
I put in an order for a part they needed last friday and I sent out a comment saying Hot Rush Over Night it. She called Wednesday to see if it was sent out and I told her I would try to contact them. Well I got caught up with work and everything that I forgot (we're human we forget).
She calls today and asks where it is and has an angry tone, I told her I would call NuVu and get her a tracking and then she asks to speak to my supervisor. And then while I was getting her I hear her talking to someone mocking me ... i wanted to just say on the phone "umm I'm still here and I can hear you mocking me".
So I really got angry and I thought she (my supervisor) that she'd get angry with me because I made a mistake, I forgot that when I do that, that I was suppose to call the vendor and tell them I sent an overnight.
But luckily she was understanding and I called the vendor and tracked the item. Called back the person (left a voicemail and apologized) I felt bad I truly did and it sucks that that person had to mock me while I was on the phone.
AHHHH but anyways I got a new phone...finally :) time for bed!

SixtyOne || 304 days left...

What a day it was...
First off I was almost an hour late to work because of a major accident on the highway...which I did not know because our cable is off.
Work was ok today. Busy with a lot of stuff but I got the work done.
It was so hot...I did not even go outside for my break.
It was up to 88-90ish today where I worked but towards the shore, where I live, it was around 86 degrees. It was still hot.
Went for a run at the beach...ugh too much lol. I need to get back on this running gig, I have not ran in so long.
I did about 2.56 miles today which isn't too bad I guess lol.
Maybe if I run this weekend it won't be bad, I'll probably run to the beach from my house; it's like a 2-4 mile run I believe to the chick's restaurant. not too bad.
I'm ready for bed!!! ... Tomorrow a new cell!!

Sixty || 305 days left...

No Tv; had no internet for a while;
Now I do. Work was ok.
I need to go running some more.
Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful :)

FiftyNine || 306 days left

What a beautiful day it was ... and of course I had work.
Today wasn't too bad; although it was really quite (we had two people out today)
There was a freakin' spider crawling on my cubical wall when I came back from lunch! yuck I almost freaked out; but I killed it! lol
All this week is suppose to be gorgeous; Wed is suppose to be high in the 80's! wow that is crazy lol.
My feet started to swell at work so it started my feet started to hurt in my shoe...I think it was from the warm weather and it was pretty warm in the office as well.
Ahh its time for bed lol

Happy Easter!!!
And what a lovely day it was! I remember last year it was so cold, we all had our winter jackets and everything. It was at least 67-70 degrees out today and I was so hot!
I made turkey (weird to have on Easter I know lol) and then my brother made prime rib which was SOOOOO good; and he also made homemade horseradish dip for it! Yum!
I think I gained like 10 lbs today LOL.
It was such a good day that I ended up going for a nice job around the neighborhood this morning. I only did like 1.5 miles because I haven't ran in so long.
I am ready for bed; but not for work LOL.
Peace y'all

FiftySeven || 308 days left...

Got a new tv today!!!
It's a flat screen 32" samsung. I can connect my ipod to it and its so nice lol.
Finally a TV that does not have a ringing sound that would drive me nuts!
Yeah my old TV had this ringing noise because it was an old one and it would drive me crazy, it was more of a buzzing sound than ringing.
I love this tv; thanks to my brother and sister-in-law. It was a thank you gift for watching their kids for so long for free lol.

Work was good today.
Yeah HQ was open on Friday; but most of the vendors we ordered from were closed so we could not ask questions to them. Most of the franchisees thought we were closed so we did not have as many calls as usual; which was nice, I got to catch up on some work, clean out some old folders, update my call list, etc. I think I got more emails than calls today lol.
Some one in the kitchen downstairs was cooking something delicious; around 10am-ish I smelt cookies and gram crackers baking lol; then some of the people from work came around the aisles with a tray full of cookies that kind of looked like a tortellini shaped cookie. It was a fancy smore, inside was melted chocolate with marshmallow ...SO GOOD! Than I had an apple cake that my co-worker brought in, and another co-worker also brought in a nice treat for us which was cute.
Lorraine comes back Monday, and Diane is back from work (she was out because she went through chemo therapy but shes better looking good too). I'm gonna miss Sue (she was the floater who was covering Diane's desk for 2 months); she keeps me entertained with the crazy calls she gets lol.
Today was a good day; cannot wait for Easter! And supposedly I'm getting a TV tomorrow as a thank you for watching my kids for free for all these times from my brother lol

FiftyFive || 310 days left...

Work was ok today. It was slow, but then it got busy, then it got slow again.
This breakfast rollout is a mess. I can't wait till it's over.
I can't believe its been a month since I first worked at subway! CRAZY! I was talking to my boss about how the days have been going by so quick...it really does feel like yesterday that I started.
Today was such a gorgeous day :) Hopefully it will stick for a while.
Tomorrow is an early day at work... aka me going to bed very soon!