SixtyOne || 304 days left...

What a day it was...
First off I was almost an hour late to work because of a major accident on the highway...which I did not know because our cable is off.
Work was ok today. Busy with a lot of stuff but I got the work done.
It was so hot...I did not even go outside for my break.
It was up to 88-90ish today where I worked but towards the shore, where I live, it was around 86 degrees. It was still hot.
Went for a run at the beach...ugh too much lol. I need to get back on this running gig, I have not ran in so long.
I did about 2.56 miles today which isn't too bad I guess lol.
Maybe if I run this weekend it won't be bad, I'll probably run to the beach from my house; it's like a 2-4 mile run I believe to the chick's restaurant. not too bad.
I'm ready for bed!!! ... Tomorrow a new cell!!


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