SeventyEight || 287 days left...

Ok so Yesterday work was slow (which I had mention) but I think I know why; in CO one of the franchisees' husband had passed away from a stroke, and the community (along with owners/managers) knew him. The scary thing is that I just literally talked to him on Monday and I talked to the DA offices and they said they just saw him on Thursday. He was healthy and everything; even lost a few pounds. These things happen and that's the scary thing because it can happen to anyone. He was young; early 40's I believe. So sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
After work I took a nap and then went out to the bars. We tried to go to this one bar but we couldn't get in because of ID issues with a certain friend...hahah...but we finally found a bar that was good and it was a karaoke bar too haha. So much fun; I had a few drinks and I tried this banana split martini (OMG SOOO GOOD!!!) then me, taylor, and Lin did a peanut butter and jelly shot. Omg it was sooo good too lol; it smelt like peanut butter and tasted like jelly amaze-balls lol.
Around 1am we headed back to Taylor's house; hung out for a bit then walked over to the diner and got some much needed food; whenever I drink I crave a juicy cheese burger lol haha. I was so annoyed with the fucking highschool teenagers eating behind us. UGH so annoying shouldn't they be in bed, it was like 2am even the owner was getting annoyed.
Got home around 3am and crashed. I was tired and sleepy and slept for a good 6 hours. Haha; Tonight I am going out...again; with my cousins. We're going out to Joker's Wild for Mel's Pre-Birthday Celebration. That will be fun :)


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