SeventySix || 289 days left...

Of course I hit traffic on the way to work today....another accident; luckily I wasn't the only one late. When I was walking outside to the building I saw my co-worker Cheryl who also is from West Haven, she hit it too.
My supervisor came in late today, she came in at 2pm-ish I think she had some errands to do.
Today was actually a really good day; I only got about 4-3 calls today and I did my sales, plus out of all my 342 stores only 7 stores were estimated (usually I get 18-13 stores a week estimated).
Someone must be watching out for me up there :) and I thank them :D
Today was a nice day too; but then it rained and then the sun came out and then it rained again...the weather couldn't make a decision LOL.
Ugh almost time for bed....atleast tomorrow is FRIDAY!


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