FiftySix || 309 days left...

Work was good today.
Yeah HQ was open on Friday; but most of the vendors we ordered from were closed so we could not ask questions to them. Most of the franchisees thought we were closed so we did not have as many calls as usual; which was nice, I got to catch up on some work, clean out some old folders, update my call list, etc. I think I got more emails than calls today lol.
Some one in the kitchen downstairs was cooking something delicious; around 10am-ish I smelt cookies and gram crackers baking lol; then some of the people from work came around the aisles with a tray full of cookies that kind of looked like a tortellini shaped cookie. It was a fancy smore, inside was melted chocolate with marshmallow ...SO GOOD! Than I had an apple cake that my co-worker brought in, and another co-worker also brought in a nice treat for us which was cute.
Lorraine comes back Monday, and Diane is back from work (she was out because she went through chemo therapy but shes better looking good too). I'm gonna miss Sue (she was the floater who was covering Diane's desk for 2 months); she keeps me entertained with the crazy calls she gets lol.
Today was a good day; cannot wait for Easter! And supposedly I'm getting a TV tomorrow as a thank you for watching my kids for free for all these times from my brother lol


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