OneHundred-Fourteen|| 251 days left..

Happy Memorial Day!
So last night I made cupcakes for our annual picnic at my brother's house.
Made 2 many of them! LOL
They were OH so Sweet! haha
Back to work tomorrow...this 3 day weekend went by too fast! weekend will be the annual camping trip for my mom's birthday!
I owe this blog One more entry so tomorrow I'll have two!
Ok time for bed!!

OneHundred-Thirteen || 252 days left..

Made cupcakes for tomorrow!; I owe you two entries YIKES!

OneHundred-Twelve || 253 days left..

im gladd its a 3 day weekend!

OneHundred-Eleven || 254 days left..

What a busy day at work. Ugh and I am so going to bed soon...blahhhhhh
Non stop work; when it gets gets BUSY!!
Tomorrow someone is out and I know it will be busy as well.
I'm excited for my 3 day WEEKEND!! Whoop Whoop! Cannot wait.
I need it haha. It will be fun :)
I think today I forgot to clock in after lunch...freak...ugh not cool...

OneHundred-Ten || 255 days left..

Work was lame...ugh don't wanna even talk about it lol. Anyways here is my theory on lost:
I think that everything that happened on the island was REAL; the smoke monster, the hatch, the time traveling, etc.
As for the "alternate universe" place that was shown on season 6 was 'limbo' the place between reality and the afterlife.
I believe everyone except for hurley, ben and jack had left the island and lived there life but when they died they created this "place" where they can all meet up, so I think that everyone who was in the church died at a different time.
It kind of reminded me of the five people you meet in heaven minus the 5 different people; it was just like a time and place they all had picked to meet up.
Sounds confusing? don't worry I'm confused my self a little trying to explain it HAHA

Today was such a beautiful day; It was like up to 89 today.
Today was also Lorraine's 75 years old.
We had a CRAP load of food and cake it was so much fun.
LOST is still on my mind hhahaha

OneHundred-Nine || 257 days left..

So work was REALLLLLLLLY slow today...for some reason no one wanted to call in and I had no edit lists to really work on...ugh and I am extra sleepy!
Lost was amazing last night. I couldn't have picked a better ending...although some questions still linger:
-what is the 'man in black's' name?
-what was real/not real?
-what about the kids?
-where's walt?!?! (lol)
-Ben....stuck in limbo?!?!?

OneHundred-Eight || 258 days left..

Cannot wait!
The end.

OneHundred-Seven || 259 days left..

Did the heart walk today. So fun.
Sarah came out to walk and it was a nice long one!!
We walked from Bradley Point to Capt.'s Gally restaurant.
Then afterwards I went to my niece's dance recital. So cute that girl hhahaha.
Had pizza and ice cream at my cousins when it was done then went home.
Watching Valentine's day on demand....going to bed sooooon!
LOST finale tomorrrrow :(

OneHundred-Six || 260 days left..

I hate family drama.
It's exhausting and a fucking waste of my time.
I hate rumors that spread between families...I mean haven't people been taught proper way to talk to someone.

OneHundred-Five || 261 days left..

So I got to work late; ugh I hate it and then from then on I was sooo busy. Working on 3 edit lists plus a new store. Learning how to do that AND check sale statuses of stores because it was Call Day.
So the new store I am working on, I just got the edit list and the guy wants to order the store ASAP ... are you kidding me???? I just got your store and you need to get all your paper work in before we can order anything...yikes.
Today was a good day minus all the busy-ness going around.
Tomorrow should be a good day too.
I got my mom a nice present; it was a a bracelet. I think she will reallllly like it :) haha. And I am making her a book of her life (well from when my older was born to now)
Any way......LOST Finale this sunday...OMG so sad :(

OneHundred-Four || 262 days left..

Work was ok. busy busy as usual.
Got an edit list that I took home to work on; it's for a new store. Hopefully I did it right...we'll see tomorrow!
I'm so sleepy...ugh need to go to bed now! Almost the weekend.
LOST is almost over! ugh...and I soooo knew that Jack would volunteer to stay on the island I mean c'mon "WE HAVE TO GO BACK KATE!" haaha
Tomorrow is suppose to be good weather...hopefully!
My dad is too cute:

OneHundred-Three || 263 days left...

Work was ok today. Rainy day of course.
We had a french film crew visiting interviewing Fred; yadda yadda. It was weird because they came into my department and I had to walk by the camera to get to my aisle...awkward lol.
Ugh such a headache from
Going to bed to early FOR SURE!

OneHundred-Two || 264 days left...

Ok my last "make-up"blog before tonight's ALL caught up blog LOL.
I went to bed around 8:30/9pm because I was soooo tired!
It's a rainy day today...praying work will go by fast!
Today some french news film crew is coming to the company and Fred (the co-founder) is giving them a tour of the company...yikes lol

I am so tired...I feel like taking a nap...I think that is what I am going to do haha.
Work was alright. I think the allergies are giving me a headache...yikes!
Busy then not busy. We had a conference call at 4pm where we would listen in to a live presentation class. It was pretty cool BUT I would have rather worked on my edit list that one of my franchisees wanted to order tomorrow...ugh I'm hoping no mistakes.
Any who...maybe I will take a nap.
Today was a nice day :)

NinetyNine || 266 days left...

Ahhh and what a beautiful morning it is today.
Slept pretty good for going to bed around midnight.
I woke up to that Barney song... "oh mr. sun sun, mr. shining sun, please shine down on me!" hahhaha I have no idea WHY that song has come up.
So Work...praying it will go by fast! LOL I want to go back to LOL dad is kind of mad at me because I forgot to tell him that there was no Sunday dinner and he and my mom had cooked a little for people that would not be there. I feel bad because it literally slipped my mind...ugh.
But anyways; went to my cousin's graduation...holy crap! There were a lot of people there. At least it wasn't too
The weather was beautiful; a little too hot but at least I had a tank top on so I could take off my sweater.
After that we went to J Roo's in North Haven. It was really nice there, we had a small buffet and some beer/wine LOL.
Tomorrow is another day at fun LOL; I can't believe it is May already...soon it will be June and then all of a sudden Sept! lol Months go by really quick now that I have a job.

Sunday Morning...was suppose to get up early and drive but that didn't end up happening because my phone died and I don't have a charger...ugh.
Going to Albertus today for Mel's graduation then going out to dinner to celebrate.
I am so tired and lazzzzy lol.
My room is still a mess but I folded most of my clothes haha.
Wearing my new wedges I got from H&M, hope I don't fall LOL
Weather is EXCELLENT!

NinetySix || 269 days left

WOW....I'm so behind with blogs, might have to do two tomorrow and two on monday.
So let's see Work on Friday was pretty ok. Busy I was covering Diana's phone all day; I got more calls from her area than mine...which actually made the day go by a little bit faster.
After work I hung out with sarah for a bit, just went for a drive then to the dinner and went home lol.
Today was a lazy day...I have to get my room cleaned, it's not going to happen, I hope it does but I have no motivation at all..UGH!!!
Tomorrow is my cousin's graduation. She's graduating from Albertus Magnus with a Bacholer's Degree in Business Management!
Tomorrow is suppose to be a nice day :) thank god!

NinetyFive || 270 days left...

Work was ok.
Boring; had a meeting today for 2015 Statrigic plan thing...I was literally falling asleep. And I wasn't alone; everyone thought it was so
It got busy around 3pm.....alot of orders, emails and trying to order equipment.
tomorrow I am going to write 2 entries because I am behind. lol.

NinetyFour || 271 days left...

Work was good; I only got like 5 hours of sleep ugh and in the morning at work I was falling asleep LITERALLY; my eyes were so heavy and I just wanted to get up and leave that is how tired I was...and it did not help that no one was calling in for orders or anything LOL.
So Yesterday at work a franchisee had called in in regards to a cookie case drawer his manager had ordered for one of his stores and he tried to blame me for a mistake...let me rewind a little; a couple of weeks ago (probably last week or so)the manager called in saying he received the wrong cookie case and that he was going to send a picture of it to show me how it was differnt and so, and I was like sure w/e. After I got off the phone I looked up the store and it was actually out of my district and a different coordinator that ordered the wrong thing. So back to franchisee yesterday he was saying something like "I know that your new and everything but this has happened twice already; it must be the way YOU are ordering it, we're going to have to figure this out and return the drawers so I don't have to pay for the mistake..." basically blaming me, so when I asked him for the store #'s he gave me the one that the manager from one district and another one...when I looked under the memo screen one was ordered by the other coordinator and the other store there was no full set of drawers when he finally stopped talking I was like "Sir, I didn't order those drawers those were ordered by Cyndi your other coordinator and there is no order for the other store..." and it got quite and he was like...well i'm going to have to talk to her and get this straigtened out....he sounded like he got caught...ha.
Oh man, it was just crazy.
Tomorrow another day at work + a meeting at 10, then we have another meeting on Friday.
Anywho...time for bed!

Ok so I decided to do a blog now because I am going to wake up late tomorrow (its 12:40am now...waiting for my pants to get out of the wash )
Well I just got home about 20 minutes ago...I went to the Mets game with my brother Mike. It's REALLY nice there and we got seats 20 rows away from Home Plate.
The game was good; we lost 2-3; but it was ok :) They played against the Nationals (D.C) IT was SOOOO FUCKING COLD! like 35-30 degrees out; luckily I had my hoodie on. Ugh so cold. Anyways I am gonna get ready for bed...night

NinetyTwo || 273 days left...

Ok I am so bad....I owe you two more tomorrow I will have two and two on wednesday (tonight I'm coming home late from a baseball game)
had a good weekend.
went to the pub on saturday; then yesterday went to church and celebrated mommies day...
ok time for work!!

NinetyOne || 274 days left...

Work was pretty good. Friday's are usually a really slow day for me and that is exactly what it was today lol.
Work is getting good; I mean I am really liking it and the people. I got to edit a remodel equipment list on my own and I am catching on pretty quickly on most stuff.
Going out tomorrow with my cousin somewhere, not sure where lol, I think breakfast and stuff...maybe we can go shopping -wink-wink- lol.
ugh so tired....vampire weekend is playing at radio city in sept. its the day before gaga...go figure :(

WOW do I suck at daily blogs lately or what??
Sorry about that....been ubber busy and tired lately.
Work yesterday was good; like any other Call day aka Thursday lol. Calling people entering wisrs, the usual.
Atleast today is friday and I will have another weekend hopefully to myself...

Work was good today. Busy and went by a little bit faster.
I am sooo tired.
Had a cinco de mayo celebration with Sarah in the back yard with nachos and some coronas :) how lovely!! haha
I had my first customer service surveys this month (well I think it was last month) Every month or so they survey 5 random stores from my area; the first one gave me all 5's and gave a really positive response, second and third gave me all 4's but then the fourth that fourth one...first of all they gave me a 3 on my overall work attitude which is fine, then for the rest all 1's....which really upset me because it brought my overall average down; their comment went something like "Very nice, but doesn't retain new info as much always has to 'ask her supervisor'. It's getting old." but my boss told me to not worry about it because Linda, the director of my department (she goes over these comments before hand) said I'll get better in time, and even my boss told me they didn't even give me a chance...I mean I wish these people would understand that I basically have to learn a shit load of stuff to accommodate their needs; they've done this what for like 6 + years and are use to just getting answers from their past coordinator; I just literally started this job 2 months aggrivating; but I am not letting it get to me; I like this job too much to loose or even quit it; the people there are great.
Ugh but enough of that; I think I should head to bed...I'm an hour late hhaaha.

EightyEight || 277 days left...

Dang...I missed another day again! lol 2 entries today I guess hah.
Yesterday was good. Work was fine; it kind of went really slow but I was busy.
It rained...again; but luckily it was while I was at work. Then the sun was back out.
I am sooo tired; and being lazy..just want to have a good nights sleep; but that doesn't seem like it will happen.
Ahh another day at work...but hey Happy Cinco De Mayo!!! ai yiiyiyiiy lol

EightySeven || 278 days left...

I am so exhausted.
I almost fell asleep at work today...that's how tired I was. My back kept me up all night because I am sleeping on my nephew's bed and it is too firm (I stopped by after work at my house for the foam so it wouldn't be too much on my back).
One of my co-workers left early today because she wasn't feeling to good; her magnesium was too low (she had cancer but she is in remission); I hope she is ok and will be in tomorrow.
There is going to be a new person at work next week. That will be cool LOL. I'm almost permanent at work..woot wooot!
It was soooo hot at work today. Even though it was down pouring this morning. I had to put the fan on; but after wards it was FREEZING. On my second break I decided to go out for a walk thinking the rain cooled it down...WRONG it was hot and muggy!! soooo Annoying! I had to turn the fan back on ugh.
I hate the summer gonna get so annoyed lol

EightySix || 279 days left...

Sunday = Lazy day...
Really did nothing; this morning I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I think I got what Sarah had which is weird because I haven't seen here for a week LOL.
The pain was excruciating ugh. Thankfully I found some medicine that was for kids but adults can take LOL.
That kind of made me drowsy so I took a nap.
Any's time for bed!! Work tomorrow...lame!

Whoops forgot to blog last I'll do two today. Yesterday was a family picnic; awesome. It was nice to actually see all the family together.
I went out with Lindsay first, we went to target - then we went to my brother's for the picnic. It was nice to see her again :)
Hmmm let's see I ate and ate again lol so much food haha.
I'm staying at my brother's for a week because my parents left for FL.
I got so many bites from being outside all day yesterday..ugh so annoying!