EightySeven || 278 days left...

I am so exhausted.
I almost fell asleep at work today...that's how tired I was. My back kept me up all night because I am sleeping on my nephew's bed and it is too firm (I stopped by after work at my house for the foam so it wouldn't be too much on my back).
One of my co-workers left early today because she wasn't feeling to good; her magnesium was too low (she had cancer but she is in remission); I hope she is ok and will be in tomorrow.
There is going to be a new person at work next week. That will be cool LOL. I'm almost permanent at work..woot wooot!
It was soooo hot at work today. Even though it was down pouring this morning. I had to put the fan on; but after wards it was FREEZING. On my second break I decided to go out for a walk thinking the rain cooled it down...WRONG it was hot and muggy!! soooo Annoying! I had to turn the fan back on ugh.
I hate the summer heat...im gonna get so annoyed lol


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