NinetyFour || 271 days left...

Work was good; I only got like 5 hours of sleep ugh and in the morning at work I was falling asleep LITERALLY; my eyes were so heavy and I just wanted to get up and leave that is how tired I was...and it did not help that no one was calling in for orders or anything LOL.
So Yesterday at work a franchisee had called in in regards to a cookie case drawer his manager had ordered for one of his stores and he tried to blame me for a mistake...let me rewind a little; a couple of weeks ago (probably last week or so)the manager called in saying he received the wrong cookie case and that he was going to send a picture of it to show me how it was differnt and so, and I was like sure w/e. After I got off the phone I looked up the store and it was actually out of my district and a different coordinator that ordered the wrong thing. So back to franchisee yesterday he was saying something like "I know that your new and everything but this has happened twice already; it must be the way YOU are ordering it, we're going to have to figure this out and return the drawers so I don't have to pay for the mistake..." basically blaming me, so when I asked him for the store #'s he gave me the one that the manager from one district and another one...when I looked under the memo screen one was ordered by the other coordinator and the other store there was no full set of drawers when he finally stopped talking I was like "Sir, I didn't order those drawers those were ordered by Cyndi your other coordinator and there is no order for the other store..." and it got quite and he was like...well i'm going to have to talk to her and get this straigtened out....he sounded like he got caught...ha.
Oh man, it was just crazy.
Tomorrow another day at work + a meeting at 10, then we have another meeting on Friday.
Anywho...time for bed!


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