OneHundred-Ten || 255 days left..

Work was lame...ugh don't wanna even talk about it lol. Anyways here is my theory on lost:
I think that everything that happened on the island was REAL; the smoke monster, the hatch, the time traveling, etc.
As for the "alternate universe" place that was shown on season 6 was 'limbo' the place between reality and the afterlife.
I believe everyone except for hurley, ben and jack had left the island and lived there life but when they died they created this "place" where they can all meet up, so I think that everyone who was in the church died at a different time.
It kind of reminded me of the five people you meet in heaven minus the 5 different people; it was just like a time and place they all had picked to meet up.
Sounds confusing? don't worry I'm confused my self a little trying to explain it HAHA


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