Work was good today. Busy and went by a little bit faster.
I am sooo tired.
Had a cinco de mayo celebration with Sarah in the back yard with nachos and some coronas :) how lovely!! haha
I had my first customer service surveys this month (well I think it was last month) Every month or so they survey 5 random stores from my area; the first one gave me all 5's and gave a really positive response, second and third gave me all 4's but then the fourth that fourth one...first of all they gave me a 3 on my overall work attitude which is fine, then for the rest all 1's....which really upset me because it brought my overall average down; their comment went something like "Very nice, but doesn't retain new info as much always has to 'ask her supervisor'. It's getting old." but my boss told me to not worry about it because Linda, the director of my department (she goes over these comments before hand) said I'll get better in time, and even my boss told me they didn't even give me a chance...I mean I wish these people would understand that I basically have to learn a shit load of stuff to accommodate their needs; they've done this what for like 6 + years and are use to just getting answers from their past coordinator; I just literally started this job 2 months aggrivating; but I am not letting it get to me; I like this job too much to loose or even quit it; the people there are great.
Ugh but enough of that; I think I should head to bed...I'm an hour late hhaaha.


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