FiftyFour || 311 days left...

Oh work. I love how you make these days go by like nothing.
Tomorrow marks one month at my work. It's pretty crazy...I hate this rollout at work. It's so hectic and franchisees freak out when they realize that they are missing stuff from their box and then they don't know what to do...I hope it will be a better next week.
Lorraine comes back monday!! yay! Miss that lady :)
Bed early today! Last night I did not get home till late; about 10pm (ya people...that's late to me! lol) and I did not get to fall asleep till 11pm because I watched one show last night.
Can't wait till the weekend! I need to sleep in or something. My brother is supposedly taking me to get my new TV on Saturday :) hollerrrr <3
Ok...time to relax

FiftyThree || 312 days left

busy day.
had a hair cut
the end lol

FiftyTwo || 313 days left...

Work was busy. Covered for Lorraine again. Her phone was off the hook this morning.
The day went by pretty quick which is good. Made the time go by really quick!
It's been raining non stop today...and it won't stop till Mid-Wednesday I believe.
I can't wait for the it here yet? lol
I hope this weekend I can get my new phone.
It needs an upgrade...ASAP!

FiftyOne || 314 days left...

Boston was so much fun.
When we drove around the actually places I use to go to when Sarah and Lindsay use to go to school there, I really started to miss and fall in love with the the city all over again.
I truly believe that in a few years I can live there.
It's so easy to get around and it's a town I already know.
The drive home wasn't too bad...It went faster than going up to Boston.
I'm so tired; I don't want to go to work lame.

Fifty || 315 days left...

Ok making an early blog today.
Going up to bean town with the people.
This will be a fun 3 hour drive haha.
Went to the bank today and cashed my check.
I did not cash it at my bank, so I went to where my work gets the check (BOA)
and it was weird because they made me do a thumb print on it...
that wasn't the case last week when I went to the milford one...weird.
Ehh I should go and get some stuff packed and get ready.. maybe clean a little lol.
Its sunny out but cold :( lame

FortyNine || 316 days left...

Finally made it to the weekend!
Work was ok. Kind of busy but not really.
Covered Lorraine's desk once again; and my boss just told me she's out this coming week as well...
Went out to dinner with Sarah, Nancy, Steph, and James at Noodle House. That was fun; I had Thai Ice Tea which was AHmazing LOL
Then me Sarah and Nancy walked around Broadway; most of the shops were closed but we went to the Gourmet Heaven to get German Chocolate and then we went to the Yale bookstores.
Home now. Laundry then packing for tomorrow :)
I can't wait to go to Bean Town...I miss it too much!!!

FortyEight || 317 days left...

Work was lame.
Busy as heck...and I order the wrong thing for this general manager like a week ago.
He told me one thing and I miss interpreted what he said because the items have similar names so I basically screwed up.
This guy is a nice guy but he sounded pissed off. He's probably thinking the new girl definitely F-ed up. GREAT ugh...
And it is going to be a bitch to return and stuff. I just feel really bad because I screwed up...but we all make mistakes...
I need to so tired.

FortySeven || 318 days left...

Today was a very interesting day....
So heading up to work I notice all these people standing across the street. At first I thought it was franchisees getting a tour of the buildings (weird I know) but then I realized there were cops at our building.
Apparently someone had left a voicemail over night saying that a bomb would go off in the parking lot of our main building at 9am.
It was crazy. I got there at 8:30 and we didn't go in till an hour later. So when we finally got in the building we were behind in work and everything else. Nuts.
It was soooo cold out this morning!
Eventually we were let in and work was just nuts today. But it made the day go by faster...but then again I did not go on break at all today because it was just that busy. Tomorrow will be even crazier. Sales. Blahhh I just want the weekend here.

FortySix || 319 days left...

Work was busy as heck.
Lots of stuff going on...
Went to a movie with dad (Green Zone)
It was actually pretty good!
I'm ready for BED! lol
ughh is it the weekend yet?
Going to Beantown with Sarah, Nancy, Stephanie & James.
This will be fun :)

FortyFive || 320 Days left...

Another week. Another week of work!
Today was hell. 3 people where out from my aisle.
Lorraine was out for surgery and Diana (who I have never met yet) is still out on medical leave. She has been out for 3 months now, but the woman who usually covers her, Sue, has Mondays off. Then Cheryl was out sick today so we were really busy. I covered Lorraine's phone all day today. It was ok, kept me busy though which was good.
It was just crazy in the office...Danielle who was covering Lorraine's emails (which I thought Rita was today) put in an order that I put in Friday when I was covering her emails. I did not want to delete the email just in case I needed to refer to it again...
And then I had to cancel 3 orders that some stores did not need anymore because their DA said it was not necessary anymore...after they told everyone on Thursday to order it because it was required...YEP! that's my life LOL
I am so ready for bed. Seriously! I am so tired right now. I am just waiting for 9pm to roll around so I can hit the hay...I might actually go to bed earlier ha.
ok...I am heading to relaxing mode lol.

FortyFour || 321 days left...

Such a nice Sunday :)
The sun was out and the weather was beautiful.
Family came over for the usual get together.
The rain is suppose to come back :( lame...
Back to work tomorrow...the weekend felt like it was a day.
Ahh I am so tired. I am ready for bed...hbu?

FortyThree || 322 days left...

Such a GORGEOUS day today! It had to be at least 68-71 degrees out.
Went to New Haven to the Gourmet Heaven place with Sarah and Lindsay to have lunch. We ate it out side on this little island on Broadway. The sun was out and it was so nice out!
Went around Broadway to the shops and then went to the Gym with Sarah. I only ran about 1.3 miles. I was so tired I didn't want to run anymore lol. Usually I run around 2-3 miles but today I was like eff it!
After that Me and her went to Target, I bought a dress and some running pants and new shoes :D; we went back to Broadway in New Haven to get Sarah's new backpack and I ended up buying a north face jacket :) it's really nice it's light enough but it's good for when it rains.
I'm ready for bed. My eyes feel heavy and I'm ready for SLEEEEEEP!!!!!!

FortyTwo || 323 days left...

Work was good today.
Busy but good.
Left Early because I came in @ 8am.
Covered Lorraine's Emails today.
Cashed in my check (monnney)
and then I'm hanging out at Jessie's
short blog :)

FortyOne || 324 days left...

Today was busy as expected at work.
Transmitting sales and what not. I mean this morning wasn't too bad it was ok and everything but after lunch I had to cover my co-worker Lorraine's calls because she is out on medical leave. Her area is so nice! I mean I love my area but her area is well prepared haha, they either have the item # or the correct name of what they want which is amazing. haha tomorrow I'm in charge of her emails.
Work is good, I'm starting to pick up on a few things and recognizing items without asking my supervisor what it is. She actually noticed that I am picking up quickly when I closed out sales on my own LOL
I'm ready for bed...Oh speaking of bed time; I was taking a walk outside my break when these ladies (around 40-50ish) were walking behind me and I over heard their conversation. I guess one of the ladies is going on a cruise and isn't taking her friend because she sleeps in too in 10am late LOL I was like man...I'm at that point now where 10am is almost late for me too...hahah.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful lately! Today me and some co-workers ate lunch outside. So nice, it was up to 67 degrees! Hopefully this stays like this for a while.

Forty || 325 days left...

Happy St. Patties Day!
Brought cookies to work. There was too much food in my aisle. Cupcakes, Quiche, Cookies, Cake, ughh too much. Then around 3:30-4pm we all started to crash...LOL we were hyper and then we started to slow down, it was too funny.
Had corn beef for lunch, it was pretty good. My co-worker Lorraine got it from some restaurant. Speaking of Lorraine, she is going to be out for a week. She's getting hand surgery. Hopefully all goes well.
Tomorrow should be a busy day...It's the deadline for sales and it will be pretty crazy. Between calling stores and making orders it will be nuts-o! But it should make the day go by quicker.
Ahhh...almost time for I'm gonna get going!
P.s. It was SUCH a beautiful day today :)

ThirtyNine || 326 days left...

Made cookies today for work...took me a while but I made them, and I made some for my brother and his co-workers; I am such a nice person.
Another slow day at work...but I have a feeling tomorrow will make up for it. There is a franchisee meeting in one of my areas; I believe it is Marshall's ...which is Colorado and there will be a lot of orders...hopefully not too much!
It was such a nice day today. Took a nice walk in the morning and afternoon; then at lunch after we ate me, rita and her friend went outside and sat in the sun, it was so nice.
Lost was good tonight.
Ok...thats enough now...going to bed soon!

ThirtyEight || 327 days left...

Today at work was pretty slow. Usually Mondays really just dragged. I know this week will be pretty busy though because both my DA offices are holding Franchisee meetings a day apart and I'll probably get a million calls LOL.
So between work being slow, my supervisor gave me a list of courses I need to take on "university subway" website lol. It's miscellaneous courses that different departments have to take. For example today I did 3 courses, first one was how to make a party platter, then learning about CPC (sales info), and the last one I took was School Programs (I have 7 stores that are part/or in a school). It's not bad, some classes can be 2hours some just 10. And we have to take a test after wards which wasn't too bad.
The weather is pretty bad here. Its so windy and cold. It's still raining. It's been raining since friday...CRAZY! Ugh I am freezing right now, and the wind is so strong I can feel the house shake...ugh.
It's almost time for tired LOL...that's all have been doing lately...sleeping, working, tv, sleep HAHAHA

ThirtySeven|| 328 days left...

So Lin and her boyfriend did not end up coming, I mean they came to the house, parked and argued. She texted me to come down and get in the car to talk about what was going on. She was upset and crying because they have been arguing on the way to my deats on what the issue was, I just hope everything is ok.
The fight was good, kind of boring LOL, I was really hoping for a KO but it did not happen and they fought all 12 rounds...made it longer than I hoped it would be haha.
Today I went to a family friend's birthday party. Her daughter turned four and they had it at a place called "my gym" and it was all gymnastic's and stuff, it was pretty neat.
Doing laundry now, relaxing till I go to bed, which is fairly soon, probably around nine-ish or after I iron my clothes lol.
Tomorrow is another week at work (haha I almost wrote school); pay day on wed. is going to be the big kahuna. I'm excited but then again not because it's all going towards bills LOL.
ahh well I better get off and continue to do my fun...not really LOL

ThirtySix || 329 days left...

Family is over.
Pac-man fight tonight. He is fighting @ the Dallas Cowboy Arena in TX.
That means a shit load of people are going.
I think Lindsay and her bf are coming over as well to watch it lol.
Tomorrow is a birthday party for my mom's co-worker.
I'm tired lol.

ThirtyFive || 330 days left...

Friday was so slow at work. I basically just did orders and checked on sales and stuff...answered emails yadda yadda.
After work I just relaxed at home and catched up on my shows...thats about it lol.

ThirtyFour || 331 days left...

Work was so busy today. We had to do sales and call stores to send them plus order stuff for stores, etc.,
Weather was kind of crappy; cloudy and rainy.
I'm getting a hang of work..but still learning a lot...
I am so tired. I didn't sleep till 11 (I know thats not late) and woke up at 6:30 so tired.. never doing that again..9/10 the latest LOL
ahhh I can't believe the weekend is almost feels like it was Monday yesterday...

ThirtyThree || 332 days left...

Sarah picked me up from work.
Got my first paycheck
Went to mall
Finally saw Lindsay lol.
Had Taco Bell.
the end :)

ThirtyTwo || 333 days later...

What a day! Busy busy Bussssssy!
I had to make a call sheet for the weekly sales and it took most of the day to do between answering phones, emails, and learning from my supervisor. But I finally got it done.
It was long but I got through it.
I also handled my first fustrated customer today, I had my supervisor with me guiding me through it, what to tell him and I just kept calm, she told my co-worker I didn't even break a sweat haha.
It was so nice out, at my 10am break I took a walk around the parking lot. That was nice, to get some fresh air!
Hmm...that's it, nothing else really interesting happened at work today besides that :)

ThirtyOne || 334 days left...

Work was ok today. My area was pretty quite.
The job is still hard but my co-workers are helping me through it which is a good thing. Lorraine, who is the oldest there she is 75, told me it took her 2 years. I hope it doesn't take me that long but we all work on our own pace :)
Lets see what else happened...nothing really; I wish I had a radio at my desk, when it gets slow its really I might bring in my ihome for now until I get a smaller one.
I'm getting better with the phone so that is good. I can't really order anything without my supervisor but I can look up everything else.
The weekend went by so fast...this week is going to be slow, but hopefully not. tired. gonna watch some TV
p.s. weather has been really nice these past couple of days.

Thirty || 335 days left...

Oh MAN! I missed yesterday's blog; I was soooo busy and I was feeling shitty.
Yesterday I had family over and we celebrated my sister-in-law and brother's anniversary. 4 years.
Then we went to the movies and watched Alice in Wonderland 3D. It was pretty good. I was not disappointed, loved it.
I'm feeling really sick today. Not like dizzy but congested. It sucks...hopefully it goes away.
---cont @ 9pm---
so i had sushi night with my cousins and my brothers. It was fun, it was ok sushi lol. I am so tired, gonna go to bed soon, I got a new book called "Diary" by Chuck Palanuck (I think thats how you spell his last name) he wrote the book Fight Club; and the movie is based on it (its the one with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton).
another day at work fun lol.

TwentyEight || 337 days left...

I made it! I completed a full week of work! and now I think my body hates me!
I am so tired and I and sick. There have been a lot of people with colds and stuff and it's getting around. I can't afford to call out so this weekend I am going to take it easy.
Today was an early day. I went in at 8am and left at 4:30. I missed happy hour lol because of the early day but who cares it would have been awkward hah.
Had lunch with the brother and his co-workers which was cool, we ordered from this seafood place and everyone in the cafe was like "where'd you get that? smells good!" haha.
I'm getting use to the work. Been answering calls with my supervisor on the phone as well, which at times could be intimidating but its not too bad LOL.
ahhh well I am tired...sorry its so short.

TwentySeven || 338 days left...

Keeping this short. Work was fine. Just a little busy.
I had to call all the stores that did not send in their sales in.
then I made some orders. its getting easier but not really.
tomorrow I get to go home at 4:30 if I come in at 8am!
Hopefully I get there by 7:50!
ok going to bed!

TwentySix || 339 days left...

Day 3 of job.
Today was an actually busy day. Most of the Weekly Sales are submitted after 8pm to the offices so on Wed we have to check them and update them. If they aren't sent in we'd have to ask for the hard copy and then manually enter them in (which I did and they were fun to do lol).
Also today I had to make sure all the stores signed the evaluation logs and etc., had to do some emails and answer some questions. I observed on the phone again while my supervisor made calls.
I had lunch with my brother and two of his co-workers. then I had a break at 3pm and went on a short walk with Cindy and Rita (my supervisor).
Ahhh so tired. Alot was done today...I took home the coordinator handbook to look over and read because on friday I finally get to use my computer and I will be registered in the system...meaning I'm probably on my own lol.
My eye has been twitching like crazy today...which means that I am probably stressed out but don't know about it.
Today it was snowing (but it wasn't thick enough to stick) but traffic was like woooah. I was almost a late but this lady (who I don't know but was so kind) she pressed the IN button so I can swipe my ID just in time to punch in before I get penalized for lateness LOL thanks lady :)

TwentyFive || 340 days left...

Day #2 at job. Lots more training...I am learning much more everyday.
But it goes in the ear and out the other but I think that once I start to physically put in orders and take calls it won't be too bad.
We had a meeting today on new stuff that franchisees can order (i was soooo in the blue).
For a while it was slow, because of the time difference and everything, but then towards 2-3pm the phones started to ring.
Lunch is still weird lol, but I like the people I have lunch with. They are friends of my supervisor, they were telling me stories of rude customers they have talked to. Its pretty funny.
I am tired. I'm not use to this; but I suppose it will get better. Last night I fell right to sleep and did not wake up till 6am, fifteen minutes before my alarm went off lol.
Tomorrow is another day, but one of the busiests. We have to do reports so I have to learn how to do that. Must take notes! lol
Oh one thing I like about my aisle is that there is an empty one right behind mine (I am on the right side and first cubicle) and there is always snacks on it LOL/ I'm not decorating it right now, once I get settled I will lol.
Ok I'm going to try to go to bed at 10 instead of 11 tonight.
g-night ya'll

TwentyFour || 341 days left...

Oh my feet! they hurt! LOL
Today was my first day at work. It was fun. Everyone is extremely nice there. My supervisor showed me a lot of the things I have to do. It was a lot but she told me that everyone went through what I had. Which is cool cause they know what I am going through. Also my brother told me that it will be hard but I'll get use to it.
I am in charge of Colorado and Washington state. And there is a store that is relocating and I have to order their supplies. But thankfully I did not have to do the phones right now, my co-workers are covering it while I train. Speaking of my co-workers, they are so nice (of course) lol. There is 9 of us, and they are adorable. Most of them are older, there are 2 that I believe are around 27-35 ish. They all made me a sign :) makes me feel even more welcomed there!
Lets going to lunch was weird. It was like highschool all over again, trying to find out who to sit with and etc., today I went with my supervisor and some of her friends it was nice, and I had a sandwich from the sandwich bar and we talked and then we went back to the aisle and she showed me some stuff, on our break (our 7min one) we took a walk around the parking lot with Cindy, she works in Franchise Services as well but in a different aisle, because it was so nice out!
Its a lot of work. I think I will be overwhelmed with it for now but...eventually I will get a hang of it...hopefully.
All I want to do is sleep right now but I know if I do I'll wake up like 12am and then never go back to sleep...its bad. So I am like dosing and keeping myself busy till 11pm rolls around and into bed I GO!
----(cont. at 10:29pm)----
I wonder what they will have me do tomorrow. Most likely reviewing what to do and stuff. I need to decorate my cubical. Its so bland right now. I can bring in a radio to play music, but really low. I need to get like a small iHome or something to hook up my ipod.
Ahhh I am getting really tired now...time for bed!