Forty || 325 days left...

Happy St. Patties Day!
Brought cookies to work. There was too much food in my aisle. Cupcakes, Quiche, Cookies, Cake, ughh too much. Then around 3:30-4pm we all started to crash...LOL we were hyper and then we started to slow down, it was too funny.
Had corn beef for lunch, it was pretty good. My co-worker Lorraine got it from some restaurant. Speaking of Lorraine, she is going to be out for a week. She's getting hand surgery. Hopefully all goes well.
Tomorrow should be a busy day...It's the deadline for sales and it will be pretty crazy. Between calling stores and making orders it will be nuts-o! But it should make the day go by quicker.
Ahhh...almost time for I'm gonna get going!
P.s. It was SUCH a beautiful day today :)


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