FortySeven || 318 days left...

Today was a very interesting day....
So heading up to work I notice all these people standing across the street. At first I thought it was franchisees getting a tour of the buildings (weird I know) but then I realized there were cops at our building.
Apparently someone had left a voicemail over night saying that a bomb would go off in the parking lot of our main building at 9am.
It was crazy. I got there at 8:30 and we didn't go in till an hour later. So when we finally got in the building we were behind in work and everything else. Nuts.
It was soooo cold out this morning!
Eventually we were let in and work was just nuts today. But it made the day go by faster...but then again I did not go on break at all today because it was just that busy. Tomorrow will be even crazier. Sales. Blahhh I just want the weekend here.


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