Thirty || 335 days left...

Oh MAN! I missed yesterday's blog; I was soooo busy and I was feeling shitty.
Yesterday I had family over and we celebrated my sister-in-law and brother's anniversary. 4 years.
Then we went to the movies and watched Alice in Wonderland 3D. It was pretty good. I was not disappointed, loved it.
I'm feeling really sick today. Not like dizzy but congested. It sucks...hopefully it goes away.
---cont @ 9pm---
so i had sushi night with my cousins and my brothers. It was fun, it was ok sushi lol. I am so tired, gonna go to bed soon, I got a new book called "Diary" by Chuck Palanuck (I think thats how you spell his last name) he wrote the book Fight Club; and the movie is based on it (its the one with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton).
another day at work fun lol.


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