FiftyFour || 311 days left...

Oh work. I love how you make these days go by like nothing.
Tomorrow marks one month at my work. It's pretty crazy...I hate this rollout at work. It's so hectic and franchisees freak out when they realize that they are missing stuff from their box and then they don't know what to do...I hope it will be a better next week.
Lorraine comes back monday!! yay! Miss that lady :)
Bed early today! Last night I did not get home till late; about 10pm (ya people...that's late to me! lol) and I did not get to fall asleep till 11pm because I watched one show last night.
Can't wait till the weekend! I need to sleep in or something. My brother is supposedly taking me to get my new TV on Saturday :) hollerrrr <3
Ok...time to relax


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