ThirtySeven|| 328 days left...

So Lin and her boyfriend did not end up coming, I mean they came to the house, parked and argued. She texted me to come down and get in the car to talk about what was going on. She was upset and crying because they have been arguing on the way to my deats on what the issue was, I just hope everything is ok.
The fight was good, kind of boring LOL, I was really hoping for a KO but it did not happen and they fought all 12 rounds...made it longer than I hoped it would be haha.
Today I went to a family friend's birthday party. Her daughter turned four and they had it at a place called "my gym" and it was all gymnastic's and stuff, it was pretty neat.
Doing laundry now, relaxing till I go to bed, which is fairly soon, probably around nine-ish or after I iron my clothes lol.
Tomorrow is another week at work (haha I almost wrote school); pay day on wed. is going to be the big kahuna. I'm excited but then again not because it's all going towards bills LOL.
ahh well I better get off and continue to do my fun...not really LOL


  1. Sarah Karr

    Thats not cool that they got into a fight. Hopefully things work out. I was so tired, i fell asleep on the couch.

  2. Tasha

    Yeah i hope everything is okay; I messaged her asking what happened but she never got back to me.


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