TwentyEight || 337 days left...

I made it! I completed a full week of work! and now I think my body hates me!
I am so tired and I and sick. There have been a lot of people with colds and stuff and it's getting around. I can't afford to call out so this weekend I am going to take it easy.
Today was an early day. I went in at 8am and left at 4:30. I missed happy hour lol because of the early day but who cares it would have been awkward hah.
Had lunch with the brother and his co-workers which was cool, we ordered from this seafood place and everyone in the cafe was like "where'd you get that? smells good!" haha.
I'm getting use to the work. Been answering calls with my supervisor on the phone as well, which at times could be intimidating but its not too bad LOL.
ahhh well I am tired...sorry its so short.


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