TwentyFour || 341 days left...

Oh my feet! they hurt! LOL
Today was my first day at work. It was fun. Everyone is extremely nice there. My supervisor showed me a lot of the things I have to do. It was a lot but she told me that everyone went through what I had. Which is cool cause they know what I am going through. Also my brother told me that it will be hard but I'll get use to it.
I am in charge of Colorado and Washington state. And there is a store that is relocating and I have to order their supplies. But thankfully I did not have to do the phones right now, my co-workers are covering it while I train. Speaking of my co-workers, they are so nice (of course) lol. There is 9 of us, and they are adorable. Most of them are older, there are 2 that I believe are around 27-35 ish. They all made me a sign :) makes me feel even more welcomed there!
Lets going to lunch was weird. It was like highschool all over again, trying to find out who to sit with and etc., today I went with my supervisor and some of her friends it was nice, and I had a sandwich from the sandwich bar and we talked and then we went back to the aisle and she showed me some stuff, on our break (our 7min one) we took a walk around the parking lot with Cindy, she works in Franchise Services as well but in a different aisle, because it was so nice out!
Its a lot of work. I think I will be overwhelmed with it for now but...eventually I will get a hang of it...hopefully.
All I want to do is sleep right now but I know if I do I'll wake up like 12am and then never go back to sleep...its bad. So I am like dosing and keeping myself busy till 11pm rolls around and into bed I GO!
----(cont. at 10:29pm)----
I wonder what they will have me do tomorrow. Most likely reviewing what to do and stuff. I need to decorate my cubical. Its so bland right now. I can bring in a radio to play music, but really low. I need to get like a small iHome or something to hook up my ipod.
Ahhh I am getting really tired now...time for bed!


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