TwentyFive || 340 days left...

Day #2 at job. Lots more training...I am learning much more everyday.
But it goes in the ear and out the other but I think that once I start to physically put in orders and take calls it won't be too bad.
We had a meeting today on new stuff that franchisees can order (i was soooo in the blue).
For a while it was slow, because of the time difference and everything, but then towards 2-3pm the phones started to ring.
Lunch is still weird lol, but I like the people I have lunch with. They are friends of my supervisor, they were telling me stories of rude customers they have talked to. Its pretty funny.
I am tired. I'm not use to this; but I suppose it will get better. Last night I fell right to sleep and did not wake up till 6am, fifteen minutes before my alarm went off lol.
Tomorrow is another day, but one of the busiests. We have to do reports so I have to learn how to do that. Must take notes! lol
Oh one thing I like about my aisle is that there is an empty one right behind mine (I am on the right side and first cubicle) and there is always snacks on it LOL/ I'm not decorating it right now, once I get settled I will lol.
Ok I'm going to try to go to bed at 10 instead of 11 tonight.
g-night ya'll


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