FortyThree || 322 days left...

Such a GORGEOUS day today! It had to be at least 68-71 degrees out.
Went to New Haven to the Gourmet Heaven place with Sarah and Lindsay to have lunch. We ate it out side on this little island on Broadway. The sun was out and it was so nice out!
Went around Broadway to the shops and then went to the Gym with Sarah. I only ran about 1.3 miles. I was so tired I didn't want to run anymore lol. Usually I run around 2-3 miles but today I was like eff it!
After that Me and her went to Target, I bought a dress and some running pants and new shoes :D; we went back to Broadway in New Haven to get Sarah's new backpack and I ended up buying a north face jacket :) it's really nice it's light enough but it's good for when it rains.
I'm ready for bed. My eyes feel heavy and I'm ready for SLEEEEEEP!!!!!!


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