FortyFive || 320 Days left...

Another week. Another week of work!
Today was hell. 3 people where out from my aisle.
Lorraine was out for surgery and Diana (who I have never met yet) is still out on medical leave. She has been out for 3 months now, but the woman who usually covers her, Sue, has Mondays off. Then Cheryl was out sick today so we were really busy. I covered Lorraine's phone all day today. It was ok, kept me busy though which was good.
It was just crazy in the office...Danielle who was covering Lorraine's emails (which I thought Rita was today) put in an order that I put in Friday when I was covering her emails. I did not want to delete the email just in case I needed to refer to it again...
And then I had to cancel 3 orders that some stores did not need anymore because their DA said it was not necessary anymore...after they told everyone on Thursday to order it because it was required...YEP! that's my life LOL
I am so ready for bed. Seriously! I am so tired right now. I am just waiting for 9pm to roll around so I can hit the hay...I might actually go to bed earlier ha.
ok...I am heading to relaxing mode lol.


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