TwentySix || 339 days left...

Day 3 of job.
Today was an actually busy day. Most of the Weekly Sales are submitted after 8pm to the offices so on Wed we have to check them and update them. If they aren't sent in we'd have to ask for the hard copy and then manually enter them in (which I did and they were fun to do lol).
Also today I had to make sure all the stores signed the evaluation logs and etc., had to do some emails and answer some questions. I observed on the phone again while my supervisor made calls.
I had lunch with my brother and two of his co-workers. then I had a break at 3pm and went on a short walk with Cindy and Rita (my supervisor).
Ahhh so tired. Alot was done today...I took home the coordinator handbook to look over and read because on friday I finally get to use my computer and I will be registered in the system...meaning I'm probably on my own lol.
My eye has been twitching like crazy today...which means that I am probably stressed out but don't know about it.
Today it was snowing (but it wasn't thick enough to stick) but traffic was like woooah. I was almost a late but this lady (who I don't know but was so kind) she pressed the IN button so I can swipe my ID just in time to punch in before I get penalized for lateness LOL thanks lady :)


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