ThirtyEight || 327 days left...

Today at work was pretty slow. Usually Mondays really just dragged. I know this week will be pretty busy though because both my DA offices are holding Franchisee meetings a day apart and I'll probably get a million calls LOL.
So between work being slow, my supervisor gave me a list of courses I need to take on "university subway" website lol. It's miscellaneous courses that different departments have to take. For example today I did 3 courses, first one was how to make a party platter, then learning about CPC (sales info), and the last one I took was School Programs (I have 7 stores that are part/or in a school). It's not bad, some classes can be 2hours some just 10. And we have to take a test after wards which wasn't too bad.
The weather is pretty bad here. Its so windy and cold. It's still raining. It's been raining since friday...CRAZY! Ugh I am freezing right now, and the wind is so strong I can feel the house shake...ugh.
It's almost time for tired LOL...that's all have been doing lately...sleeping, working, tv, sleep HAHAHA


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