TwentyThree || 342 days left...

Happy Birthday to my dearest cousin Natania Z.! She is fourteen today!! My god do I feel old. I remember when I was 7 and my cousin Amy was preggers with feels just like yesterday.
I remember when I use to tell her to say these curse words & then I said, "DONT EVER REPEAT IT AGAIN!" lol and she didn't haha. Good girl. She starts high school next year! Lame, I hope she won't turn out like those girls...gettin' pregnant and all (lol).
Made cake for her and my sister. Tomorrow is my sister-in-law's birthday and their (Jess and my brother Ken) 4 year anniversary! That's so smart...getting married on a birthday LOL. Check out the cake I made:

I got a surprise from my other cousin Mel! She sent me an edible bouquet! It was cute and yummy! lol She sent it for my first day of work :) lol

Also today I will not be reviewing music as much but I will create an iMix of my top 5 songs :) enjoyyyy <3


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