TwentyThree || 342 days left...

Happy Birthday to my dearest cousin Natania Z.! She is fourteen today!! My god do I feel old. I remember when I was 7 and my cousin Amy was preggers with feels just like yesterday.
I remember when I use to tell her to say these curse words & then I said, "DONT EVER REPEAT IT AGAIN!" lol and she didn't haha. Good girl. She starts high school next year! Lame, I hope she won't turn out like those girls...gettin' pregnant and all (lol).
Made cake for her and my sister. Tomorrow is my sister-in-law's birthday and their (Jess and my brother Ken) 4 year anniversary! That's so smart...getting married on a birthday LOL. Check out the cake I made:

I got a surprise from my other cousin Mel! She sent me an edible bouquet! It was cute and yummy! lol She sent it for my first day of work :) lol

Also today I will not be reviewing music as much but I will create an iMix of my top 5 songs :) enjoyyyy <3

TwentyTwo || 343 days left...

Today I was still at my brother's house. Keara is pretty sick, poor girl :( hopefully she will get better soon!
I am sooo tired and exhausted. I actually woke up at 7am today. Wasn't too bad. Helped with the kids and stuff.
I continued playing the game 'heavy rain'. I really like it. I actually finished the story, two characters died and most of them survived but it did not end the way I wanted too lol. I think I might play it again the next time I am at my brothers, its pretty cool because the stories change all the time from what you choose to do or not do in the game.
I'm watching buffy right now. I love this show, I really like her and Angel rather than her and Spike. Maybe that's why I love Bones so much, because I have a thing for David Boreanaz lol.
One more day till I start my job! I am excited and nervous at the same time!!! ahhhhh!
Oh and guess what I forgot to mention...It snowed yesterday! I know! SO FUCKING annoying.......... where the hell are you spring??

TwentyOne || 344 days left...

Kids say the darnest things:

"C'mon Bri, I can get it. I'm a SUPER BOY!" - Hunter; Bri asked to get the bear off of her dresser that's high up, mind you hunter is about a foot smaller than Bri lol.
Day 2 of watching the kids. Bridgette is here as well :) I played with them and then sent them downstairs to play.
I tried out this new game on my brother's PS3. Its called Heavy Rain. It's really good. I am addicted to it, but I have to start over again :( because it kept freezing. Its like a murder mystery game. Pretty cool.
I don't know what I am doing tomorrow, but what ever it may be it better be fun lol.

Twenty || 345 days left...

My 20th blog :)
It is another rainy day ... (and I paused only continue at 11:50pm!)
Ok going to make this quick before the night is over!
So I went shopping again with my mom. I got 2 more shirts and a cardigan plus pants. Today I broke in my new shoes, my feet kind of hurt but it is not that bad.
I hung out with Sarah for a while, helped her get plane tickets for her friend Nancy who will come visit end of march, that will be fun! I will finally get to meet her instead of talking her thru the phone lol.
Then I watched the kids for a few hours, then headed out to a dinner celebration with my cousin mel and her son Tristan, my nephew. We went to Kumo's in New Haven and had sushi & wine! yummmy! After that we headed to hartford to pick up some tickets that she was giving to my other cousin Amy, we dropped it off at her house in North Haven and then we just hung out there and talked. It was fun. Amy gave me some cheesecake! haha.
Ok thats all for now and I am going to bed soon! peeeace! (and its only 11:59:14pm)

Nineteen || 346 Days Left...

My legs hurt and I smell...that's the price you pay when you work out :/ lol ran a good 2 miles and I feel GOOD.
Besides running I was kind of lazy today. I woke up at 10am then...slowly fell back asleep till 12pm haha, oh man, but I did wake up! I watched some shows and etc., that's about it, so borrring.
Then I started to watch this movie "30 Days of Night". Its based on the comic book where these REAL vampires (not like Twilight haah) invade this small Alaskan town during the time when there is a month of nightfall. It's pretty good. I like these kinds of vampires versus the twilight/vampire diaries kind. I mean these are the vampires are the blood thirsty violent kind I grew up fearing, and I love the thrill lol. I am a big fan of the blade series, and the scary ones. I do love Interview with a Vampire (oh brad pitt and "pre-crazy" tom cruise <3).
So anywho I am continuing it right now , had to stop and record it when I went to gym, and I guess one of the survivors is asking the sheriff to kill him to use him as bate so the rest of them can try to escape. Its sad, because josh harret (the sheriff) goes out and axes him...the reason being that the guy wanted to die to be with his wife and daughter who were killed by a drunk driver.
LOL crazzzzzy ahhh, tomorrow the kids are coming over and then I am going shopping with madre again. How nice of her...but I'll have to pay her back after my first pay check lol
hmm...I think that is it for now...this movie has got me captivated and hiding behind my hands lol

Eighteen || 347 days left...

I am tired. So practicing my new 'sleeping' pattern sucks. I failed today haha. I set my alarm at 10:15am but that did not happen. I woke up almost 12pm haha. Last night I could not sleep because I took an extra long nap and did not sleep till 2am (yikes!). And then my dad is banging at my door at 7am asking if the kids were coming over god! lol.
Tonight I will definitely go to bed earlier, 11pm the latest. I really need to get use to it or else I will be screwed!
My mom took me shopping today. I actually enjoyed going to the mall today; it was not packed at all and no stupid teens were there. And it was about 1:45pm too...amazing! haha. So she got me my 'business casual' clothes, 3 pairs of pants (2 of them I need to get altered and one of them I am actually going to return and get a new pair...too flairy lol), 3 blouses, 2 cardigan sweaters (i need like a bunch of them too because of my tattoo I really dont want to expose it), and a pair of black shoes. they are like heels but not really lol. I LOVE them I want to wear them out like to the bars or something. hah.She's taking me shopping again for more blouses on thursday. She's really happy for me and proud, it was so cute when she told me. But I think she's just happy I won't be home doing nothing anymore LOL.
I think that is going to be a good year and hopefully it will be! And I hope to maybe move out of here in 2 years lol.

Seventeen || 348 Days Left...

It's my last free monday! yikes. Next week I start work. I am a little nervous but I think I can do it, it will be busy but I think it will be fun.
My mom is taking me business shopping, buying new shoes and office appropriate clothing. I feel like a working woman now! Also its prompting me to take my driver's ed safety class. Yah I know I'm 21 and I STILL don't have my license...yikes. But I am going for it. I mean I drove before just haven't gotten my license.
ANYWAYS...haha, I am currently watching "My Life as Liz", it is wayyy over acted for a supposed 'reality' show but for some reason I always come back for more EVERY week. But I think I watch it because 'The Buried Life' is right before it.
I love that show, its about these group of friends that complete things off their bucket list & for everyone that they do, they help another person do something off their list. It's such a good show lol. One of their episodes made me cry because they helped a girl visit her mother's grave, she hasn't seen her mom since she died during hurricane katrina. It was so sad :(
Ahh I should go to bed soon...I need to get into the mode of waking up at 6am. So Today and Tuesday I'll set my alarm for 9am; Wed & Thu 8 am; Fri-Sun 6am (lets see how long that lasts lol)

Sixteen || 349 days left...

I'm soooo bad! i forgot to set up an iMix for sunday's music review! yikes!
Ok I promise you tomorrow I will make up for it!
I had family over today and I was kind of hung over from last night @ Sarah's house.
Today was fun, I got to meet my cousins from Scotland, they are on Holiday :) haha I love saying that..."On Holiday". They are going to Florida this week so they stopped by today before they left.
It was cool, although they do not have a crazy scottish accent LOL. I think they lived in Philippines at first and then moved there. My cousin is a chef at a hotel in Scotland, which is cool :)
I have the kids tonight. Keara is looking at my photo wall and talking to herself. Its too cute...she is saying things like, "That me. That Tita! That me. That Huntah!" soo adorable! ahh she is too smart!
Well I am gonna go, Hope you all had a great weekend!

Fifteen || 350 days left...

Lately I have not been dreaming...
I am missing my dreams. Can not dreaming be caused by stress? Most probably...
Today is a really nice day. The snow is FINALLY melting away and the weather is up by 10 degrees (now 44)! I cannot wait for spring...I think I have spring fever!
My brother's girlfriend woke me up by text lol. She was congratulating me on the job and told me that she'd take me "professional" shopping for office clothes lol. So weird. I am a working woman now!
Going to Sarah's with Lindsay tonight. We're gonna have a few drinks and play some games maybe watch a movie or something. Haven't hung out with the WHOLE gang in a long time! lameeee.
Ok. That's it for today lmao. PEACE

Fourteen || 351 days left...

Hello Weekend!
I am so tired. Hanging out with Jess reminded me of the good ol' times we use to have. I have known her the longest out of all my friends. We go way back to Kindergarten. We had Ms. Gaudinoli (I think that is how you spelled her name). Check out our school photo:
Can you spot me? Jessie had to sit on our teacher's lap because she was FREAKING OUT for some reason. We have known each other for about 17 years...crazy I know. LOL
Yesterday we watched the olympics, I helped her out with getting stuff because she can't really walk, she has to keep her foot elevated and stuff. We looked up our names on '' and it was pretty was just wrong and hilarious.
Well thats all that really happened today...maybe tomorrow will be more exciting haha.

Thirteen || 352 days left...

Best News EVER!
I got the job!
I got a job!
I can vomit of happiness!
this is big news to me!
I am finally out of Retail biz and now an office worker!
I am too excited for words!
I know this is a weird way of writing my blog but I am so deal (lol)
ahhhhh, it is so awesome!
and I know these people are going to be so nice.
I'm just in awe...
Welcome to the Grown Up World Tash.... :)

Tweleve || 353 days left...

Ok short blog. I have 17 minutes till the new day!
Today I built another snow-girl with the kids and my other niece Bridgette joined us!
It was fun, hunter named her after Bri so that was cute.
After they left I took a much needed nap haha; went running again today, ran 2.15 mi (something like that lol) my right foot hurts alot, I forgot to stretch and I think I ran wrong on it.
Sarah is over, suppose to be helping her study but she's not studying right now LOL.
Tomorrow is another day; and I will be at Jessie's! Haven't seen her in ages; she's getting surgery on her foot and I will be nursing her back to health lol.
Ok. I am gonna go & help sarah, make her get off her computer...
If you are reading this sarah GO STUDY!

Eleven || 354 days left...

And it snowed again...

...I love it, but I hate it at the same time. I miss the warm weather, going to the beach and just relaxing. I really need to go somewhere warm. People are saying that it has snowed in every state this year, except for Hawaii of course. That is just crazy! I wonder if that is really true...
I have the kids tonight; I took them out to play in the snow and we built a snow man! or should I say snow-woman? Haha. I asked them to name it and Keara was trying to say "girl" but it sounded like "Gail" so that is what we went with haha.
Today was a 'Lost' day. This episode made up for last week's and was GOOD. Terry O'Quinn is officially my favorite actor, he plays John Locke (one of my favorite characters on the show) and he does an amazing job doing it as well as playing the new guy aka "the black smoke monster". Then on the show they finally FINALLY answered one of my questions! I can't tell you because you may watch the show, but I freaked out! lol.
Hmm...well I think thats all I can talk about now; I'm gettin tired! I'll post the pictures I took today:

Ten || 355 days left...

So yesterday I went running, ran 2.3 mi. It was a good run; felt awesome...until night fall when I was trying to go to sleep. For some reason my lower back was in pain. I was about ready to cry...I think when I was doing my crunches I somehow I pulled something. Ugh I was about ready to like scream of pain. And I wouldn't care as much about it but I needed the sleep, I needed to wake up at 8am to get ready and study.
You see today I had an interview for a job that I really need! It has great benefits, the people that work there are amazing, and I need this job! So...having lower back pains was annoying; I didn't fully fall asleep till about 3am-ish and I was mad. Thankfully I woke up in a good mood.
My interview went well, to me lol. Before hand I had to take a test called the 'Wonderlic' test, it is like the SAT's. You have to complete as many questions in 12 minutes. It wasn't too bad...hopefully I did ok, because if I did not then there is no chance that I will be getting this job.
Then I had 3 interviews, one with Human Resources, the next with the Asst. Director of Coordinators, and the last one with my potential supervisor. It was a little intense but there was a lot of waiting. Overall I was there for about 1 hour and a half. It wasn't too bad.
If I do get the job I'll be working with my brother. Not the same department but we'd be working for the same company. It's pretty exciting and I am praying and hoping that I get this job. I hope God or who ever is upstairs is watching out for me...I truly hope so

Sunday Music Mix #2: My top 5 favorite Love-ish songs || Happy Valentine's Day to all!

"Indian Moon" by State Radio - of course I had to add my favorite band in the WHOLE wide world into this mix right? Not planned at all I swear, but when I was looking at my songs this one was one of my favorite love songs. This song was written for a friend of Chad Urmston, lead singer of SR. He wrote this song for a friend that was getting married. It is a song about love and saying that no matter what happens they will always be there for them. My favorite lines from the song is:
And I'll stand on your shoulders, to watch us grow older. I can see us far along the road, as the trail grows deeper. Your my giver my keeper, laughter for years untold
This song is usually sung at acoustic shows and I think I can say this is one of my top songs by them :) **could not add onto SR for some reason to imix so link here will let you download for free from me!
"First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes - the first time I heard this song was by Youtube star Julia Nunes. She covered this song on her channel and I fell in love with it. I have heard songs by Bright Eyes before, and I never came upon it till I saw her video. To me this song is about a person who fell in love and it was their first time really feeling this emotion, hence the line "Yours was the first face that I saw, I think I was blind before I met you". It is such a good song, especially if you are in love for the first time and don't know how to express it to the one you are in love with, just play them this song <3 lol.
"Jane Doe" by Never Shout Never - not a big fan of their music, but this song is a nice and simple one. This song was tweeted by author of Running With Scissors, Augusten Burroughs. This song reminds me of when you fall in love with some one and in your heart you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with them but you're falling in love with someone that you don't even know their name yet.
"Sea of Love" by Cat Power - remake of the original song by Phil Phillips. I don't think this song really needs an explanation of the meaning lol. It is truly one of my favorite songs in general.
"The Girl" by City and Colour - this side project band is led by one of the singers for alexisonfire, Dallas Green. Its a song, to me, about a girl who does everything to make this relationship work even though he's off doing his own thing, and to him he knows she'll always be there for him, if she ever left he'd lose it because she is his world. I think this relates very much to his real life relationship to his wife.

*hope you enjoy this playlist! Have a great Valentines day and if you're alone, like me, don't worry you really aren't alone :)

Eight || 357 days left...

Making a quick blog!
Currently babysitting the 3 little ones; yikes where's the Advil? ha.
So I downloaded aperture 3 for trial from apple. It is pretty cool, editing some photos that I will post up on here :)
Hmm what else can I talk about? Did anyone watch the winter Olympics opener? It was ok, I fell asleep towards the end but ended up recording it so I didn't miss a thing lol. I still like the opener for Beijing's summer one, no one could top that.
Tonight is speed skating with Apollo Onto Ohno! yayyy and I think it's amazing that Stephen Colbert is sponsoring the team after what had happen with their last sponser.
Ok I think I am gonna get are going nuts! Enjoy the photos!

Seven || 358 days left...

Happy Friday!
Nothing exciting happened today, just watched the kids, played the guitar and took an intense
Lately I have been dreaming about being this a sign of some sort? I mean the first dream I was 8months pregnant and just living my life and then today I had a REALLY weird dream during my nap. I was like 7 months pregnant and I was visiting people from my town (I guess I was living some where else than here) and everyone was asking who the dad is and rubbing my belly...then it cuts to a part where I am walking in a mall with a friend and started breaking out in Irish songs...very weird.
Winter Olympics is on tonight, well the opening ceremony at least lol. I remember when I first heard about where it was going to be held I was a junior in high school and me and lindsay were talking about going to it...yah obviously that didn't happen (LOL)
Right now I am watching 'Celebribty Rehab' and one of the clients dog is blind and she has to put him down...I feel like crying because I hate seeing dogs being put down, I've worked in a vet clinic where we would put down animals and it sucked seeing it happen...ok the tears just started falling...ugh I hate seeing that happen :(
I just looked up online what the meaning of dreaming of having a baby and most say the same thing:

Your dream is a very common one and usually represents a new beginning or a new creation in your life. It is generally very positive and indicates growth in your life!

I hope its right and that my life is going the right way. I can only hope for the better :)

Six || 359 days left...

I picked up my old guitar last night and I started to teach myself "Black Bird" by the Beatles. Such a good song...but I gave up on that because the plucking pattern got WAY too complicated.
But I have not given up on my dear old Betty (that's my guitar's name haha)!! I then taught my self today how to play "Mango Tree" by Angus and Julia Stone. It only involves 3 cords and one of those cords stays put for the whole song so it was fairly easy. The only really hard part is the plucking pattern, but if I watch the plucking video I think I can get it. My guitar is so out of tune; but I think I got it...while I was tuning the E cord (the 1st/thinner one) it snapped on me :( thank god I don't need it to learn Mango Tree haha.
So I applied at my brother's job. He works at Subway Headquarters. Basically he works with the franchise and he is in the department of sales (i think) and he is a team manager and they do stuff for I applied for the coordinator job. What that position is is that the coordinator orders new supplies for different stores, handle problems with stores, and I file papers. Pretty basic. I think it pays about $12/per hour, full time w. benefits? I think but I am not sure...I'm going to have to ask when I go for my interview! If I do get this job I think I'll have to go shopping, I only have a one pair of dress pants and limited choice of shirts appropriate for work (I'll have to cover up my arm tattoo)
Hopefully I get this job, I really need it! I mean I am out of school and I don't have a only income is from my mom and when I

Five || 360 days left...

snowpocalypse! snowpocalypse! snowpocalypse!
It seems my state has gone into full panic mode. Ha I love it. The snow fall isn't too bad anymore. But around 10am-ish it was a complete whiteout. But I hear later in the day it is suppose to get even worse than it is now. Accumulation of about 15" is predicted, even at the shore (where I live) and that is a lot!
-----[continued later in the day]-----
So it snowed even more and now it is icy and slippery out. Complete stand still, people are driving only if they absolutely have too. My room is the coldest in the house right now...I don't know why. The heat is on, my windows are closed...and I taped the a/c (the a/c is in the wall so we can't take it down lol).
I am soooo jealous of my cousin, she and her family is in Florida right now! ugh how I wish I was there right now in the sun! LAME! She got lucky though, they left this morning right before the weather got really bad.
Besides it snowing, I had a movie day. I watched the documentary "Dear Zachary: A letter to a Son about his Father". It was absolutely breath taking and I cried from the beginning to end. It is the story about the murder of Dr. Andrew Bagby by his ex girlfriend Shirley Turner. It was such a tragic and heartfelt movie. I can't tell you much about it because it will give it away but if you ever have the chance to watch it then do. But I do WARN you that it is very very tragic and heartbreaking, and if you get upset easily then you should not watch it.
This is random, but I want to go sledding tomorrow...LOL

Four || 361 days left...

Happy Wednes/LOST-day!
Just finished watching it. It was an okay episode, nothing really too exciting happen except for the fact that a certain character is back!! Finally!! haha, I won't say who and spoil it, you just have to watch it :)
Hmm...besides that nothing really happened today. I woke up feeling like nauseous and not too hot. But towards the afternoon I felt better. Then I went for a run. I'm actually getting pretty use to it. I ran about 2.11 mi today, which is awesome! my goal is to run at least 5k by the summer.
Tonight there is suppose to be a huge storm heading to my state, about 8-12". Ugh when will it ever end? I just want spring to come and make it warmer...dammit. The storm is said to be really bad...most of the state is closing down schools and my university closed, which is pretty bad.
Oooo before I go, I went to this new donation center called "Savers" it's pretty cool. I bought a polaroid camera for 4.99! I've been trying to find one online but the cheapest was about 15.99-ish. CRAZY, all I need is film and I am set :)
Okay, have a great night! <3

Three || 362 days left...

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!
So yesterday was the SUPER Bowl. How exciting right?; I've never really been a "sports" person. You'd think growing up with three older brothers that some of it would stick to me but no. The only sports that I really like are volleyball, soccer, and track. I never really got into the whole "american" sport, I mean I tried to coming from a town that is all about it and I did have to attend all the games due to the fact I was in the marching band; flutist (and YES american pie ruined my life...people always say the infamous quote when I tell them I played the flute).
Since we're on the topic of Highschool ... let's talk about! Hmmm what can I say? Originally I was suppose to go to a private school (Sacred Heart Academy) but my mom decided not too. So I just went to the local public one WHHS! Go DEVILS! I can really say that High School was a fun time for me. I wasn't part of the popular crowd but had fun with the friends I had.
Joined student council my freshman year, and I actually became secretary of the class, it was so much fun. Becoming secretary helped me overcome my fear of public speaking. How you ask? Well I surely wasn't automatically assigned that position, I had to do a 2 minute speech in front of my class...which may I add was over 300 it was so nerve racking but now I can do a speech without getting so nervous :) So I held that position for about 2 years then I was beat by another classmate (I hold no grunge...ha).
After passing down my position I still continued working with the student council. I helped with everything (prom, pep rally, homecoming, fundraisers, you name it I did it). Senior year was probably the best year for me. Since helping out with the student council I raised money to get a free year book, and 2 free prom tickets ... see every time we raised money individually we would get a portion of it back and it would go towards senior activities ... and yep I was that awesome LOL; this might sound a little conceded but I think the class should thank muah for helping lower their prom tickets from $75 to about $45/50 lol.
My group of friends was pretty small, but to me I do not think you need a million friends to make you happy. Most of my friends that I had made in high school I am still really good friends with and I am thankful for that (I'm still friends with my friend since I was about 6! <3 you jessie!!). We hung out mostly in the art rooms skipping class like any art student would haha. I miss my independent study, I would make a ton of mosaic pieces and just hang out in the back room doing my own thing; memories!
High School today is not the way it use to be. Too many girls getting pregnant and kids getting into things that they should not be getting into. It is like the generation is falling apart. It is so weird to hear certain terms from my cousin, who is about to enter high school, that mean one thing to me and another to her. For example, what do you think about when you hear "hooking up?" = sex right? nope it is just swapping spit (lol) and how about the term "friends WITH benefits?" SEX RIGHT? nope it just means friends that kiss...what? uh no lol.
I wonder what else is different now...

P.s. I've been watching 5awesomegays on youtube all day :) love 'em

Today I dub this "Sunday Music Reviews" where I will give you my top 5 songs of the week. I will also include an "iTunes iMix" which will provide you with all the songs if you would like to hear them, purchase them individually, or even buy the whole playlist! Hope you enjoy :)

"Everywhere I Go" by Lissie - this Illinois native singer/songwriter has become one of my new obsessions, one song in particular that was an instant favorite is 'Everywhere I go' off of her "Why You Runnin'" EP. I came about her music from news anchor, Brian Williams (which my I add, he has a pretty good taste in music). I was up watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon when he had mention one of his favorite new singers was this artist named Lissie. Her voice reminds me of Cat Powers; the honesty in her voice is the type that tells the truth and gives this haunting feeling. You know when you hear a song and you think to yourself, "Man; this is the theme song of my life" and that's what I definitely was thinking. To me I interpret this song as someone going through a very tough time and anything they do seems to cause them even more pain, hence, the lyric "Danger is everywhere I go". The person is trying to ask help from someone to become who they use to be. This someone could be seen as a friend, a loved one or even a higher power. The song is a powerful one and I think everyone could relate to it someway or another.
"New Fang" by Them Crooked Vultures - What would happen if you took the lead singers of the Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone age, then threw in the bassist from Led Zepplin, John Paul Johns? You'd get one hell of a rockstar group, that's what you'd get. With their new album self titled "Them Crooked Vultures" comes a new sound I think we have been secretly waiting for. One song that stuck out was 'New Fang'. Now listening to it there is a hint of "Mr. Blue Sky" sound in it, now I'm not saying it sounds like it but just a snip of it reminded me of ELO's song. This song is something I could run to, the beat is amazing and I love to rock out to it.
"I Don't Know What It Is" by Rufus Wainwright - What can you not love about Mr. Rufus Wainwright? His voice is so unique and he is an amazing songwriter. This song is one of my top favorites. Its a song about searching for something, even if you do not realize you are looking for that "something". To me I believe I am searching for who I really am when I listen to this song.
"Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear - BROOKLYN! you have yet to upset me with the music you keep producing. I mean you reek of indie rock bands that keep winning my dear young heart. You gave us Wakey!Wakey!, Dirty Projectors, MGMT, & many more and now I have fell in love again with Grizzly Bear. 'Two Weeks' is by far one of my favorites off their album, "Veckatimest" from the catchy piano tune in the beginning to the lead singer's voice that suddenly makes me think of the Shins. Well done Brooklyn, well done!
"Knights of Bostonia" by State Radio - this Sunday Music Review would not be complete without a shout out to my number one band. I came across State Radio through a friend my freshman year of college. She took me to a concert and they instantly won me over. Little did I know that I have been a fan of their lead singer, Chad Urmston. But I did not know him as Chad, I knew him as Chetro, one of the band members of the greatest band of independent music industry, Dispatch! Following the separation of the band, all 3 members going on to solo projects, Chad had started the band State Radio which to no surprise was a BIG hit in the indie music world. With their fourth album out, "Let it Go", comes a song that talks about standing up for what you believe in and rebelling towards those who have told you you can't live your life. You can say that's one of State Radio's motto, if you believe in something fight for it. State Radio is not only a great band but they are a caring one, almost all shows in the past year have had "pre-show activism" whether it be cleaning up a beach or protesting out side a politician's office [which I can say I have been a part of]. Learn more about their fight for human rights at

*hope you enjoyed the first of many music review. If you have some music I can listen to I am open to anything.

One || 364 days left...

It's about 2am Sunday morning, but to me it's still Saturday [so I will count this as Saturdays blog!]. I decided to get back into writing, so instead of picking up were I had left things on my last blog, I decided to start a whole new one and start fresh... with that I thought of doing a '365' project. I promise to write every single day...whether it be in depth or just a writing about how my dog peed on my favorite shoe.
I wanted to start a project to document and see the changes in my life. Maybe I can inspire some of you, give you advice, maybe even entertain whoever "you" may be :) I guess if you "accidently" came upon my blog this would the part where I talk a little about myself. Well, I am a 21 year old college student who has taken the semester off. Just like any other college student I do not know what the future holds for me. I have lived in the same town since I was born and never had to move. My life is boring for most part, but there are those days were something interesting happens...
Family is something that means a lot to me. I can be upfront and say..."ya my family is pretty much your average 'family' ", but I'd be lying not only to you but to myself. My family is full of drama, which you soon will learn, but at the end of the day we are FAMILY and no one can take that away from us. We fight but we care for each other just like families should. Some of the things we argue about I am sure you can relate to and won't be a shocker.
One thing for sure I know you all will be reading in my blogs are my rants. Yep, just like any other normal human being I rant. It's just something we all need to do to get on with our lives. I do not think that it is such a bad thing to "talk" about someone. Now don't go thinking that I'll be talking crap about people...[well I mean I do but it would probably be for a good reason] to me there is a difference between ranting and talking bad about someone. A rant to me is when you need to get something off your chest, like a good friend of yours is bothering you and you just need to "rant/vent" and then go back to being ok with your for talking bad well that speaks for itself and it's usually towards someone you feel ill about.
I think that's all you should know about me...I mean we have 364 more days I'll save the juicy details about my life for some other day...<3

[song played while writing: Fast Car - Tracy Chapman]