Sixteen || 349 days left...

I'm soooo bad! i forgot to set up an iMix for sunday's music review! yikes!
Ok I promise you tomorrow I will make up for it!
I had family over today and I was kind of hung over from last night @ Sarah's house.
Today was fun, I got to meet my cousins from Scotland, they are on Holiday :) haha I love saying that..."On Holiday". They are going to Florida this week so they stopped by today before they left.
It was cool, although they do not have a crazy scottish accent LOL. I think they lived in Philippines at first and then moved there. My cousin is a chef at a hotel in Scotland, which is cool :)
I have the kids tonight. Keara is looking at my photo wall and talking to herself. Its too cute...she is saying things like, "That me. That Tita! That me. That Huntah!" soo adorable! ahh she is too smart!
Well I am gonna go, Hope you all had a great weekend!


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