Seven || 358 days left...

Happy Friday!
Nothing exciting happened today, just watched the kids, played the guitar and took an intense
Lately I have been dreaming about being this a sign of some sort? I mean the first dream I was 8months pregnant and just living my life and then today I had a REALLY weird dream during my nap. I was like 7 months pregnant and I was visiting people from my town (I guess I was living some where else than here) and everyone was asking who the dad is and rubbing my belly...then it cuts to a part where I am walking in a mall with a friend and started breaking out in Irish songs...very weird.
Winter Olympics is on tonight, well the opening ceremony at least lol. I remember when I first heard about where it was going to be held I was a junior in high school and me and lindsay were talking about going to it...yah obviously that didn't happen (LOL)
Right now I am watching 'Celebribty Rehab' and one of the clients dog is blind and she has to put him down...I feel like crying because I hate seeing dogs being put down, I've worked in a vet clinic where we would put down animals and it sucked seeing it happen...ok the tears just started falling...ugh I hate seeing that happen :(
I just looked up online what the meaning of dreaming of having a baby and most say the same thing:

Your dream is a very common one and usually represents a new beginning or a new creation in your life. It is generally very positive and indicates growth in your life!

I hope its right and that my life is going the right way. I can only hope for the better :)


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