TwentyTwo || 343 days left...

Today I was still at my brother's house. Keara is pretty sick, poor girl :( hopefully she will get better soon!
I am sooo tired and exhausted. I actually woke up at 7am today. Wasn't too bad. Helped with the kids and stuff.
I continued playing the game 'heavy rain'. I really like it. I actually finished the story, two characters died and most of them survived but it did not end the way I wanted too lol. I think I might play it again the next time I am at my brothers, its pretty cool because the stories change all the time from what you choose to do or not do in the game.
I'm watching buffy right now. I love this show, I really like her and Angel rather than her and Spike. Maybe that's why I love Bones so much, because I have a thing for David Boreanaz lol.
One more day till I start my job! I am excited and nervous at the same time!!! ahhhhh!
Oh and guess what I forgot to mention...It snowed yesterday! I know! SO FUCKING annoying.......... where the hell are you spring??


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