Seventeen || 348 Days Left...

It's my last free monday! yikes. Next week I start work. I am a little nervous but I think I can do it, it will be busy but I think it will be fun.
My mom is taking me business shopping, buying new shoes and office appropriate clothing. I feel like a working woman now! Also its prompting me to take my driver's ed safety class. Yah I know I'm 21 and I STILL don't have my license...yikes. But I am going for it. I mean I drove before just haven't gotten my license.
ANYWAYS...haha, I am currently watching "My Life as Liz", it is wayyy over acted for a supposed 'reality' show but for some reason I always come back for more EVERY week. But I think I watch it because 'The Buried Life' is right before it.
I love that show, its about these group of friends that complete things off their bucket list & for everyone that they do, they help another person do something off their list. It's such a good show lol. One of their episodes made me cry because they helped a girl visit her mother's grave, she hasn't seen her mom since she died during hurricane katrina. It was so sad :(
Ahh I should go to bed soon...I need to get into the mode of waking up at 6am. So Today and Tuesday I'll set my alarm for 9am; Wed & Thu 8 am; Fri-Sun 6am (lets see how long that lasts lol)


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