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Happy Monday Everyone!!!!
So yesterday was the SUPER Bowl. How exciting right?; I've never really been a "sports" person. You'd think growing up with three older brothers that some of it would stick to me but no. The only sports that I really like are volleyball, soccer, and track. I never really got into the whole "american" sport, I mean I tried to coming from a town that is all about it and I did have to attend all the games due to the fact I was in the marching band; flutist (and YES american pie ruined my life...people always say the infamous quote when I tell them I played the flute).
Since we're on the topic of Highschool ... let's talk about! Hmmm what can I say? Originally I was suppose to go to a private school (Sacred Heart Academy) but my mom decided not too. So I just went to the local public one WHHS! Go DEVILS! I can really say that High School was a fun time for me. I wasn't part of the popular crowd but had fun with the friends I had.
Joined student council my freshman year, and I actually became secretary of the class, it was so much fun. Becoming secretary helped me overcome my fear of public speaking. How you ask? Well I surely wasn't automatically assigned that position, I had to do a 2 minute speech in front of my class...which may I add was over 300 it was so nerve racking but now I can do a speech without getting so nervous :) So I held that position for about 2 years then I was beat by another classmate (I hold no grunge...ha).
After passing down my position I still continued working with the student council. I helped with everything (prom, pep rally, homecoming, fundraisers, you name it I did it). Senior year was probably the best year for me. Since helping out with the student council I raised money to get a free year book, and 2 free prom tickets ... see every time we raised money individually we would get a portion of it back and it would go towards senior activities ... and yep I was that awesome LOL; this might sound a little conceded but I think the class should thank muah for helping lower their prom tickets from $75 to about $45/50 lol.
My group of friends was pretty small, but to me I do not think you need a million friends to make you happy. Most of my friends that I had made in high school I am still really good friends with and I am thankful for that (I'm still friends with my friend since I was about 6! <3 you jessie!!). We hung out mostly in the art rooms skipping class like any art student would haha. I miss my independent study, I would make a ton of mosaic pieces and just hang out in the back room doing my own thing; memories!
High School today is not the way it use to be. Too many girls getting pregnant and kids getting into things that they should not be getting into. It is like the generation is falling apart. It is so weird to hear certain terms from my cousin, who is about to enter high school, that mean one thing to me and another to her. For example, what do you think about when you hear "hooking up?" = sex right? nope it is just swapping spit (lol) and how about the term "friends WITH benefits?" SEX RIGHT? nope it just means friends that kiss...what? uh no lol.
I wonder what else is different now...

P.s. I've been watching 5awesomegays on youtube all day :) love 'em


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