Today I dub this "Sunday Music Reviews" where I will give you my top 5 songs of the week. I will also include an "iTunes iMix" which will provide you with all the songs if you would like to hear them, purchase them individually, or even buy the whole playlist! Hope you enjoy :)

"Everywhere I Go" by Lissie - this Illinois native singer/songwriter has become one of my new obsessions, one song in particular that was an instant favorite is 'Everywhere I go' off of her "Why You Runnin'" EP. I came about her music from news anchor, Brian Williams (which my I add, he has a pretty good taste in music). I was up watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon when he had mention one of his favorite new singers was this artist named Lissie. Her voice reminds me of Cat Powers; the honesty in her voice is the type that tells the truth and gives this haunting feeling. You know when you hear a song and you think to yourself, "Man; this is the theme song of my life" and that's what I definitely was thinking. To me I interpret this song as someone going through a very tough time and anything they do seems to cause them even more pain, hence, the lyric "Danger is everywhere I go". The person is trying to ask help from someone to become who they use to be. This someone could be seen as a friend, a loved one or even a higher power. The song is a powerful one and I think everyone could relate to it someway or another.
"New Fang" by Them Crooked Vultures - What would happen if you took the lead singers of the Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone age, then threw in the bassist from Led Zepplin, John Paul Johns? You'd get one hell of a rockstar group, that's what you'd get. With their new album self titled "Them Crooked Vultures" comes a new sound I think we have been secretly waiting for. One song that stuck out was 'New Fang'. Now listening to it there is a hint of "Mr. Blue Sky" sound in it, now I'm not saying it sounds like it but just a snip of it reminded me of ELO's song. This song is something I could run to, the beat is amazing and I love to rock out to it.
"I Don't Know What It Is" by Rufus Wainwright - What can you not love about Mr. Rufus Wainwright? His voice is so unique and he is an amazing songwriter. This song is one of my top favorites. Its a song about searching for something, even if you do not realize you are looking for that "something". To me I believe I am searching for who I really am when I listen to this song.
"Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear - BROOKLYN! you have yet to upset me with the music you keep producing. I mean you reek of indie rock bands that keep winning my dear young heart. You gave us Wakey!Wakey!, Dirty Projectors, MGMT, & many more and now I have fell in love again with Grizzly Bear. 'Two Weeks' is by far one of my favorites off their album, "Veckatimest" from the catchy piano tune in the beginning to the lead singer's voice that suddenly makes me think of the Shins. Well done Brooklyn, well done!
"Knights of Bostonia" by State Radio - this Sunday Music Review would not be complete without a shout out to my number one band. I came across State Radio through a friend my freshman year of college. She took me to a concert and they instantly won me over. Little did I know that I have been a fan of their lead singer, Chad Urmston. But I did not know him as Chad, I knew him as Chetro, one of the band members of the greatest band of independent music industry, Dispatch! Following the separation of the band, all 3 members going on to solo projects, Chad had started the band State Radio which to no surprise was a BIG hit in the indie music world. With their fourth album out, "Let it Go", comes a song that talks about standing up for what you believe in and rebelling towards those who have told you you can't live your life. You can say that's one of State Radio's motto, if you believe in something fight for it. State Radio is not only a great band but they are a caring one, almost all shows in the past year have had "pre-show activism" whether it be cleaning up a beach or protesting out side a politician's office [which I can say I have been a part of]. Learn more about their fight for human rights at

*hope you enjoyed the first of many music review. If you have some music I can listen to I am open to anything.


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