Sunday Music Mix #2: My top 5 favorite Love-ish songs || Happy Valentine's Day to all!

"Indian Moon" by State Radio - of course I had to add my favorite band in the WHOLE wide world into this mix right? Not planned at all I swear, but when I was looking at my songs this one was one of my favorite love songs. This song was written for a friend of Chad Urmston, lead singer of SR. He wrote this song for a friend that was getting married. It is a song about love and saying that no matter what happens they will always be there for them. My favorite lines from the song is:
And I'll stand on your shoulders, to watch us grow older. I can see us far along the road, as the trail grows deeper. Your my giver my keeper, laughter for years untold
This song is usually sung at acoustic shows and I think I can say this is one of my top songs by them :) **could not add onto SR for some reason to imix so link here will let you download for free from me!
"First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes - the first time I heard this song was by Youtube star Julia Nunes. She covered this song on her channel and I fell in love with it. I have heard songs by Bright Eyes before, and I never came upon it till I saw her video. To me this song is about a person who fell in love and it was their first time really feeling this emotion, hence the line "Yours was the first face that I saw, I think I was blind before I met you". It is such a good song, especially if you are in love for the first time and don't know how to express it to the one you are in love with, just play them this song <3 lol.
"Jane Doe" by Never Shout Never - not a big fan of their music, but this song is a nice and simple one. This song was tweeted by author of Running With Scissors, Augusten Burroughs. This song reminds me of when you fall in love with some one and in your heart you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with them but you're falling in love with someone that you don't even know their name yet.
"Sea of Love" by Cat Power - remake of the original song by Phil Phillips. I don't think this song really needs an explanation of the meaning lol. It is truly one of my favorite songs in general.
"The Girl" by City and Colour - this side project band is led by one of the singers for alexisonfire, Dallas Green. Its a song, to me, about a girl who does everything to make this relationship work even though he's off doing his own thing, and to him he knows she'll always be there for him, if she ever left he'd lose it because she is his world. I think this relates very much to his real life relationship to his wife.

*hope you enjoy this playlist! Have a great Valentines day and if you're alone, like me, don't worry you really aren't alone :)


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