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snowpocalypse! snowpocalypse! snowpocalypse!
It seems my state has gone into full panic mode. Ha I love it. The snow fall isn't too bad anymore. But around 10am-ish it was a complete whiteout. But I hear later in the day it is suppose to get even worse than it is now. Accumulation of about 15" is predicted, even at the shore (where I live) and that is a lot!
-----[continued later in the day]-----
So it snowed even more and now it is icy and slippery out. Complete stand still, people are driving only if they absolutely have too. My room is the coldest in the house right now...I don't know why. The heat is on, my windows are closed...and I taped the a/c (the a/c is in the wall so we can't take it down lol).
I am soooo jealous of my cousin, she and her family is in Florida right now! ugh how I wish I was there right now in the sun! LAME! She got lucky though, they left this morning right before the weather got really bad.
Besides it snowing, I had a movie day. I watched the documentary "Dear Zachary: A letter to a Son about his Father". It was absolutely breath taking and I cried from the beginning to end. It is the story about the murder of Dr. Andrew Bagby by his ex girlfriend Shirley Turner. It was such a tragic and heartfelt movie. I can't tell you much about it because it will give it away but if you ever have the chance to watch it then do. But I do WARN you that it is very very tragic and heartbreaking, and if you get upset easily then you should not watch it.
This is random, but I want to go sledding tomorrow...LOL


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