Fourteen || 351 days left...

Hello Weekend!
I am so tired. Hanging out with Jess reminded me of the good ol' times we use to have. I have known her the longest out of all my friends. We go way back to Kindergarten. We had Ms. Gaudinoli (I think that is how you spelled her name). Check out our school photo:
Can you spot me? Jessie had to sit on our teacher's lap because she was FREAKING OUT for some reason. We have known each other for about 17 years...crazy I know. LOL
Yesterday we watched the olympics, I helped her out with getting stuff because she can't really walk, she has to keep her foot elevated and stuff. We looked up our names on '' and it was pretty was just wrong and hilarious.
Well thats all that really happened today...maybe tomorrow will be more exciting haha.


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