One || 364 days left...

It's about 2am Sunday morning, but to me it's still Saturday [so I will count this as Saturdays blog!]. I decided to get back into writing, so instead of picking up were I had left things on my last blog, I decided to start a whole new one and start fresh... with that I thought of doing a '365' project. I promise to write every single day...whether it be in depth or just a writing about how my dog peed on my favorite shoe.
I wanted to start a project to document and see the changes in my life. Maybe I can inspire some of you, give you advice, maybe even entertain whoever "you" may be :) I guess if you "accidently" came upon my blog this would the part where I talk a little about myself. Well, I am a 21 year old college student who has taken the semester off. Just like any other college student I do not know what the future holds for me. I have lived in the same town since I was born and never had to move. My life is boring for most part, but there are those days were something interesting happens...
Family is something that means a lot to me. I can be upfront and say..."ya my family is pretty much your average 'family' ", but I'd be lying not only to you but to myself. My family is full of drama, which you soon will learn, but at the end of the day we are FAMILY and no one can take that away from us. We fight but we care for each other just like families should. Some of the things we argue about I am sure you can relate to and won't be a shocker.
One thing for sure I know you all will be reading in my blogs are my rants. Yep, just like any other normal human being I rant. It's just something we all need to do to get on with our lives. I do not think that it is such a bad thing to "talk" about someone. Now don't go thinking that I'll be talking crap about people...[well I mean I do but it would probably be for a good reason] to me there is a difference between ranting and talking bad about someone. A rant to me is when you need to get something off your chest, like a good friend of yours is bothering you and you just need to "rant/vent" and then go back to being ok with your for talking bad well that speaks for itself and it's usually towards someone you feel ill about.
I think that's all you should know about me...I mean we have 364 more days I'll save the juicy details about my life for some other day...<3

[song played while writing: Fast Car - Tracy Chapman]


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