Wow......I feel like I am not committing to this at all; I do want to write every day but it seems like I haven't had any motivation to do so...but I promise I will get better! I am almost down to a year of writing!! Even though in the past couple of months I haven't written everyday but I have written more than I use to!
Today was fun. I really wasn't planning to do anything but then I remembered that my cousin Mel wanted to go to this ceramic place so I went with her, her/my nephew Tristan, my other cousins Nana, amir and yasmina. we picked out some clay ceramics and painted them. I did a mug and a flower bowl. It was fun and very therapeutic :) loved it.
After wards we went to Ben & Jerrys had some ice cream and what not....hung out at Nana's for a while and now I am home. I can't believe that the weekend went by soo quick. Wish it was Saturday again!!
Anywho I should get to bed...or atleast start the process of getting ready to sleep LOL.

OneHundred-SixtyThree || 201 days left...

And it was monday....
Work was ok. In the morning it went by pretty fast...I had a bunch of checks coming in and everything like that. It's going to be quite for a while because it is convention week and people are going to Chicago for it.
I opened up this organizer that I had bought from Target...yeah that didn't work out too well I need to return it because it didn't come with hooks...of course!!
I rearranged my room! It looks nice...when I clean it up a little I will show some pictures off :)
i should get to bed soon...I am Tired!

OneHundred-SixtyTwo || 202 days left...

I feel like a FAILURE!!! I made a promise to write everyday but it's been more than a month!!! ALMOST TWO!!! So sorry...I guess I got caught up with work and everything that i kept delaying...but I promise NOW that I will do everyday till the last one!
Ok so what's going on..alot, work has been busy as hell, I've missed out on the summer...this time last year I was always at the beach tanning and relaxing, now I am working and stuck inside...but atleast I've got the weekends!
Sarah's birthday week was awesome. We started off going to BAR at 12am on Sunday; then that sunday we celebrated again with all our friends. Then this weekend we went to the casino, drank and played. Saturday me and her met up with her family at Quassy...we beached it the whole day..we got lost going there and going home...CRAZY but it was a fun lil adventure getting lost in our own state HAHA.
I got tan a little; awesome, I need to tan some more before September comes LOL; that to me is the end of summer...I can't believe how FAST these months have flown by. It feels like it was just march when I started at my it's mid-july and almost August! Freakin' nuts!
I'm thinking about re-arranging my room right needs something hmmm....I want to put my bed where my desk was and put my TV where the bed is now....hmmm let me try this out hha. I'll let you know how this goes

OneHundred-Seventeen || 248 days left..

Work was ok; call day .. busy as usual.
Had to cover for one person in the afternoon.
Tomorrow is camping!!!! whoop whoop! can't wait!
Wish I was leaving work early but I forgot to give my supervisor earlier notice; ohhh well lol.

OneHundred-Sixteen|| 249 days left..

Work was ok.
Today is my mom's birthday!!! She turned 6-0!!! whoop whoop momma who birthed me! haha
It's so hot; I have the air on...this is sooo bad lol.
Short blog today...lame I know

OneHundred-Fifteen|| 250 days left..

Today was a weird day. It went by REALLY fast.
This franchisee of mine ordered a TON of small ware which she could of ordered online but decided to do it through me; and we were on the phone for a half hour...and not only that but I had to cover a co-worker's phone because she is on vacation. And her phone was off the hook all morning...YIKES!
But at least it made the day go by really quick. by the time I actually got off the phone today this morning it was already god! lol
Anyway I am so tired; I cannot wait for this weekend to spend with the family and friends for my mom's birthday.
Tomorrow is my mom's birthday!!! Big 6-0!!!!

OneHundred-Fourteen|| 251 days left..

Happy Memorial Day!
So last night I made cupcakes for our annual picnic at my brother's house.
Made 2 many of them! LOL
They were OH so Sweet! haha
Back to work tomorrow...this 3 day weekend went by too fast! weekend will be the annual camping trip for my mom's birthday!
I owe this blog One more entry so tomorrow I'll have two!
Ok time for bed!!

OneHundred-Thirteen || 252 days left..

Made cupcakes for tomorrow!; I owe you two entries YIKES!

OneHundred-Twelve || 253 days left..

im gladd its a 3 day weekend!

OneHundred-Eleven || 254 days left..

What a busy day at work. Ugh and I am so going to bed soon...blahhhhhh
Non stop work; when it gets gets BUSY!!
Tomorrow someone is out and I know it will be busy as well.
I'm excited for my 3 day WEEKEND!! Whoop Whoop! Cannot wait.
I need it haha. It will be fun :)
I think today I forgot to clock in after lunch...freak...ugh not cool...

OneHundred-Ten || 255 days left..

Work was lame...ugh don't wanna even talk about it lol. Anyways here is my theory on lost:
I think that everything that happened on the island was REAL; the smoke monster, the hatch, the time traveling, etc.
As for the "alternate universe" place that was shown on season 6 was 'limbo' the place between reality and the afterlife.
I believe everyone except for hurley, ben and jack had left the island and lived there life but when they died they created this "place" where they can all meet up, so I think that everyone who was in the church died at a different time.
It kind of reminded me of the five people you meet in heaven minus the 5 different people; it was just like a time and place they all had picked to meet up.
Sounds confusing? don't worry I'm confused my self a little trying to explain it HAHA

Today was such a beautiful day; It was like up to 89 today.
Today was also Lorraine's 75 years old.
We had a CRAP load of food and cake it was so much fun.
LOST is still on my mind hhahaha

OneHundred-Nine || 257 days left..

So work was REALLLLLLLLY slow today...for some reason no one wanted to call in and I had no edit lists to really work on...ugh and I am extra sleepy!
Lost was amazing last night. I couldn't have picked a better ending...although some questions still linger:
-what is the 'man in black's' name?
-what was real/not real?
-what about the kids?
-where's walt?!?! (lol)
-Ben....stuck in limbo?!?!?

OneHundred-Eight || 258 days left..

Cannot wait!
The end.

OneHundred-Seven || 259 days left..

Did the heart walk today. So fun.
Sarah came out to walk and it was a nice long one!!
We walked from Bradley Point to Capt.'s Gally restaurant.
Then afterwards I went to my niece's dance recital. So cute that girl hhahaha.
Had pizza and ice cream at my cousins when it was done then went home.
Watching Valentine's day on demand....going to bed sooooon!
LOST finale tomorrrrow :(

OneHundred-Six || 260 days left..

I hate family drama.
It's exhausting and a fucking waste of my time.
I hate rumors that spread between families...I mean haven't people been taught proper way to talk to someone.

OneHundred-Five || 261 days left..

So I got to work late; ugh I hate it and then from then on I was sooo busy. Working on 3 edit lists plus a new store. Learning how to do that AND check sale statuses of stores because it was Call Day.
So the new store I am working on, I just got the edit list and the guy wants to order the store ASAP ... are you kidding me???? I just got your store and you need to get all your paper work in before we can order anything...yikes.
Today was a good day minus all the busy-ness going around.
Tomorrow should be a good day too.
I got my mom a nice present; it was a a bracelet. I think she will reallllly like it :) haha. And I am making her a book of her life (well from when my older was born to now)
Any way......LOST Finale this sunday...OMG so sad :(

OneHundred-Four || 262 days left..

Work was ok. busy busy as usual.
Got an edit list that I took home to work on; it's for a new store. Hopefully I did it right...we'll see tomorrow!
I'm so sleepy...ugh need to go to bed now! Almost the weekend.
LOST is almost over! ugh...and I soooo knew that Jack would volunteer to stay on the island I mean c'mon "WE HAVE TO GO BACK KATE!" haaha
Tomorrow is suppose to be good weather...hopefully!
My dad is too cute:

OneHundred-Three || 263 days left...

Work was ok today. Rainy day of course.
We had a french film crew visiting interviewing Fred; yadda yadda. It was weird because they came into my department and I had to walk by the camera to get to my aisle...awkward lol.
Ugh such a headache from
Going to bed to early FOR SURE!

OneHundred-Two || 264 days left...

Ok my last "make-up"blog before tonight's ALL caught up blog LOL.
I went to bed around 8:30/9pm because I was soooo tired!
It's a rainy day today...praying work will go by fast!
Today some french news film crew is coming to the company and Fred (the co-founder) is giving them a tour of the company...yikes lol

I am so tired...I feel like taking a nap...I think that is what I am going to do haha.
Work was alright. I think the allergies are giving me a headache...yikes!
Busy then not busy. We had a conference call at 4pm where we would listen in to a live presentation class. It was pretty cool BUT I would have rather worked on my edit list that one of my franchisees wanted to order tomorrow...ugh I'm hoping no mistakes.
Any who...maybe I will take a nap.
Today was a nice day :)

NinetyNine || 266 days left...

Ahhh and what a beautiful morning it is today.
Slept pretty good for going to bed around midnight.
I woke up to that Barney song... "oh mr. sun sun, mr. shining sun, please shine down on me!" hahhaha I have no idea WHY that song has come up.
So Work...praying it will go by fast! LOL I want to go back to LOL dad is kind of mad at me because I forgot to tell him that there was no Sunday dinner and he and my mom had cooked a little for people that would not be there. I feel bad because it literally slipped my mind...ugh.
But anyways; went to my cousin's graduation...holy crap! There were a lot of people there. At least it wasn't too
The weather was beautiful; a little too hot but at least I had a tank top on so I could take off my sweater.
After that we went to J Roo's in North Haven. It was really nice there, we had a small buffet and some beer/wine LOL.
Tomorrow is another day at fun LOL; I can't believe it is May already...soon it will be June and then all of a sudden Sept! lol Months go by really quick now that I have a job.

Sunday Morning...was suppose to get up early and drive but that didn't end up happening because my phone died and I don't have a charger...ugh.
Going to Albertus today for Mel's graduation then going out to dinner to celebrate.
I am so tired and lazzzzy lol.
My room is still a mess but I folded most of my clothes haha.
Wearing my new wedges I got from H&M, hope I don't fall LOL
Weather is EXCELLENT!

NinetySix || 269 days left

WOW....I'm so behind with blogs, might have to do two tomorrow and two on monday.
So let's see Work on Friday was pretty ok. Busy I was covering Diana's phone all day; I got more calls from her area than mine...which actually made the day go by a little bit faster.
After work I hung out with sarah for a bit, just went for a drive then to the dinner and went home lol.
Today was a lazy day...I have to get my room cleaned, it's not going to happen, I hope it does but I have no motivation at all..UGH!!!
Tomorrow is my cousin's graduation. She's graduating from Albertus Magnus with a Bacholer's Degree in Business Management!
Tomorrow is suppose to be a nice day :) thank god!

NinetyFive || 270 days left...

Work was ok.
Boring; had a meeting today for 2015 Statrigic plan thing...I was literally falling asleep. And I wasn't alone; everyone thought it was so
It got busy around 3pm.....alot of orders, emails and trying to order equipment.
tomorrow I am going to write 2 entries because I am behind. lol.

NinetyFour || 271 days left...

Work was good; I only got like 5 hours of sleep ugh and in the morning at work I was falling asleep LITERALLY; my eyes were so heavy and I just wanted to get up and leave that is how tired I was...and it did not help that no one was calling in for orders or anything LOL.
So Yesterday at work a franchisee had called in in regards to a cookie case drawer his manager had ordered for one of his stores and he tried to blame me for a mistake...let me rewind a little; a couple of weeks ago (probably last week or so)the manager called in saying he received the wrong cookie case and that he was going to send a picture of it to show me how it was differnt and so, and I was like sure w/e. After I got off the phone I looked up the store and it was actually out of my district and a different coordinator that ordered the wrong thing. So back to franchisee yesterday he was saying something like "I know that your new and everything but this has happened twice already; it must be the way YOU are ordering it, we're going to have to figure this out and return the drawers so I don't have to pay for the mistake..." basically blaming me, so when I asked him for the store #'s he gave me the one that the manager from one district and another one...when I looked under the memo screen one was ordered by the other coordinator and the other store there was no full set of drawers when he finally stopped talking I was like "Sir, I didn't order those drawers those were ordered by Cyndi your other coordinator and there is no order for the other store..." and it got quite and he was like...well i'm going to have to talk to her and get this straigtened out....he sounded like he got caught...ha.
Oh man, it was just crazy.
Tomorrow another day at work + a meeting at 10, then we have another meeting on Friday.
Anywho...time for bed!

Ok so I decided to do a blog now because I am going to wake up late tomorrow (its 12:40am now...waiting for my pants to get out of the wash )
Well I just got home about 20 minutes ago...I went to the Mets game with my brother Mike. It's REALLY nice there and we got seats 20 rows away from Home Plate.
The game was good; we lost 2-3; but it was ok :) They played against the Nationals (D.C) IT was SOOOO FUCKING COLD! like 35-30 degrees out; luckily I had my hoodie on. Ugh so cold. Anyways I am gonna get ready for bed...night

NinetyTwo || 273 days left...

Ok I am so bad....I owe you two more tomorrow I will have two and two on wednesday (tonight I'm coming home late from a baseball game)
had a good weekend.
went to the pub on saturday; then yesterday went to church and celebrated mommies day...
ok time for work!!

NinetyOne || 274 days left...

Work was pretty good. Friday's are usually a really slow day for me and that is exactly what it was today lol.
Work is getting good; I mean I am really liking it and the people. I got to edit a remodel equipment list on my own and I am catching on pretty quickly on most stuff.
Going out tomorrow with my cousin somewhere, not sure where lol, I think breakfast and stuff...maybe we can go shopping -wink-wink- lol.
ugh so tired....vampire weekend is playing at radio city in sept. its the day before gaga...go figure :(

WOW do I suck at daily blogs lately or what??
Sorry about that....been ubber busy and tired lately.
Work yesterday was good; like any other Call day aka Thursday lol. Calling people entering wisrs, the usual.
Atleast today is friday and I will have another weekend hopefully to myself...

Work was good today. Busy and went by a little bit faster.
I am sooo tired.
Had a cinco de mayo celebration with Sarah in the back yard with nachos and some coronas :) how lovely!! haha
I had my first customer service surveys this month (well I think it was last month) Every month or so they survey 5 random stores from my area; the first one gave me all 5's and gave a really positive response, second and third gave me all 4's but then the fourth that fourth one...first of all they gave me a 3 on my overall work attitude which is fine, then for the rest all 1's....which really upset me because it brought my overall average down; their comment went something like "Very nice, but doesn't retain new info as much always has to 'ask her supervisor'. It's getting old." but my boss told me to not worry about it because Linda, the director of my department (she goes over these comments before hand) said I'll get better in time, and even my boss told me they didn't even give me a chance...I mean I wish these people would understand that I basically have to learn a shit load of stuff to accommodate their needs; they've done this what for like 6 + years and are use to just getting answers from their past coordinator; I just literally started this job 2 months aggrivating; but I am not letting it get to me; I like this job too much to loose or even quit it; the people there are great.
Ugh but enough of that; I think I should head to bed...I'm an hour late hhaaha.

EightyEight || 277 days left...

Dang...I missed another day again! lol 2 entries today I guess hah.
Yesterday was good. Work was fine; it kind of went really slow but I was busy.
It rained...again; but luckily it was while I was at work. Then the sun was back out.
I am sooo tired; and being lazy..just want to have a good nights sleep; but that doesn't seem like it will happen.
Ahh another day at work...but hey Happy Cinco De Mayo!!! ai yiiyiyiiy lol

EightySeven || 278 days left...

I am so exhausted.
I almost fell asleep at work today...that's how tired I was. My back kept me up all night because I am sleeping on my nephew's bed and it is too firm (I stopped by after work at my house for the foam so it wouldn't be too much on my back).
One of my co-workers left early today because she wasn't feeling to good; her magnesium was too low (she had cancer but she is in remission); I hope she is ok and will be in tomorrow.
There is going to be a new person at work next week. That will be cool LOL. I'm almost permanent at work..woot wooot!
It was soooo hot at work today. Even though it was down pouring this morning. I had to put the fan on; but after wards it was FREEZING. On my second break I decided to go out for a walk thinking the rain cooled it down...WRONG it was hot and muggy!! soooo Annoying! I had to turn the fan back on ugh.
I hate the summer gonna get so annoyed lol

EightySix || 279 days left...

Sunday = Lazy day...
Really did nothing; this morning I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I think I got what Sarah had which is weird because I haven't seen here for a week LOL.
The pain was excruciating ugh. Thankfully I found some medicine that was for kids but adults can take LOL.
That kind of made me drowsy so I took a nap.
Any's time for bed!! Work tomorrow...lame!

Whoops forgot to blog last I'll do two today. Yesterday was a family picnic; awesome. It was nice to actually see all the family together.
I went out with Lindsay first, we went to target - then we went to my brother's for the picnic. It was nice to see her again :)
Hmmm let's see I ate and ate again lol so much food haha.
I'm staying at my brother's for a week because my parents left for FL.
I got so many bites from being outside all day yesterday..ugh so annoying!

EightyFour || 281 days left...

Work was good. Pretty quite; nice day and everything.
I got evaluated today by my supervisor and they are planning to keep me haha.
I really like it there; and I am starting to get the hang of things.
Ugh my nose is all congested right now - I think it's my allergies...I was around dust today because I was cleaning my desk LOL.
I can't believe tomorrow is May! Crazy how these last 2 months have gone by like the blink of an eye.
Ugh I should get to bed now..tired lol.

EightyThree || 282 days left...

Work was good. Busy today, well slow in the morning and then it got quite busy after lunch.
Here are some pictures from yesterday:

Haha SAKI!

- The chef ended up making balloon animals and hearts (like this one) for all the kids haha too funny. I really like that place but hibachi was so expensive. Sushi was REALLY good though...LOVE sushi! hah

EightyTwo || 283 days left...

Work was good.
Went out to Kumos for my cousin's birthday.
Pictures tomorrow!
LOL hilarious ones too!

EightyOne || 284 days left...

Work was work today. It was really hot in the around 78 degrees but it was much cooler outside.
It was a rainy day; which sucked but it cleared up by this afternoon.
Tomorrow going out for Hibachi and sushi with the family to celebrate Mel's 40th birthday!!
I'm so tired...well time for what a boring life I live

Eighty || 285 days left...

Work was work. The first half of the day I felt nauseous and I really considered leaving early because so...but then after lunch I was feeling better...maybe I should start eating breakfast lol.
It was another slow day at work...idk why lol. Hopefully tomorrow won't be too bad.
The weather kind of sucked...another rainy day.
Friday will make it 2 months officially of working at Subway...I cannot believe it! I'm still on trial because it's 90 days. but I can't believe it will be already 60 days. Crazy....
I really like my job and I like the people there.

SeventyNine || 286 days left...

So last night was a blast.
Went out to Joker's Wild in New Haven with my cousins Amy and Mel, and Mel's friend Kristen. It was so much fun. The comedians were hilarious and the food & drinks were great (better experience than the NYC comedy club) Had a chocolate martini that was REALLY strong, then I had about 4 murphy's stout lol. I had this awesome sandwich called the "No Joke Steak and Cheese" it had obviously the steak and cheese plus onions, sauteed mushrooms and BACON! lol
Afterwards we went to another bar which use to be my favorite place (the Playwright) but now it is called something Wolf (I can't remember the first part) but they had a band called the Zoo which is like a cover band, they were voted the ultimate cover band by MTV; they weren't too bad; good music.
Today the family came over. The usual Sunday gathering which was fun. Had lots of food and desert (cookies and cupcakes!!) I'm deciding whether to buy a camera now or save up money till later...I mean I need a smaller one for like concerts or if I go out to the bars and stuff (because my baby nikon is not going around with me everywhere LOL) I'm thinking of buying the Canon HD 12 megapixal one. So if I record a video it will be nice and clear lol.
Tomorrow is another week of work :) I cannot believe that Friday will be 2 months completed! I'm still on trial (90 days) but I think it is going good; I think it is...Then Saturday I am moving in to my sister's for a week because my parents decided to take a vacation lol.

SeventyEight || 287 days left...

Ok so Yesterday work was slow (which I had mention) but I think I know why; in CO one of the franchisees' husband had passed away from a stroke, and the community (along with owners/managers) knew him. The scary thing is that I just literally talked to him on Monday and I talked to the DA offices and they said they just saw him on Thursday. He was healthy and everything; even lost a few pounds. These things happen and that's the scary thing because it can happen to anyone. He was young; early 40's I believe. So sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
After work I took a nap and then went out to the bars. We tried to go to this one bar but we couldn't get in because of ID issues with a certain friend...hahah...but we finally found a bar that was good and it was a karaoke bar too haha. So much fun; I had a few drinks and I tried this banana split martini (OMG SOOO GOOD!!!) then me, taylor, and Lin did a peanut butter and jelly shot. Omg it was sooo good too lol; it smelt like peanut butter and tasted like jelly amaze-balls lol.
Around 1am we headed back to Taylor's house; hung out for a bit then walked over to the diner and got some much needed food; whenever I drink I crave a juicy cheese burger lol haha. I was so annoyed with the fucking highschool teenagers eating behind us. UGH so annoying shouldn't they be in bed, it was like 2am even the owner was getting annoyed.
Got home around 3am and crashed. I was tired and sleepy and slept for a good 6 hours. Haha; Tonight I am going out...again; with my cousins. We're going out to Joker's Wild for Mel's Pre-Birthday Celebration. That will be fun :)

Today at work was a really slow day....I mean like REALLY slow. But I think I know why now. But I'll explain that later.
Went out with the girls and lin's boyfriend Taylor and his friend Josh.
Was fun :)

Of course I hit traffic on the way to work today....another accident; luckily I wasn't the only one late. When I was walking outside to the building I saw my co-worker Cheryl who also is from West Haven, she hit it too.
My supervisor came in late today, she came in at 2pm-ish I think she had some errands to do.
Today was actually a really good day; I only got about 4-3 calls today and I did my sales, plus out of all my 342 stores only 7 stores were estimated (usually I get 18-13 stores a week estimated).
Someone must be watching out for me up there :) and I thank them :D
Today was a nice day too; but then it rained and then the sun came out and then it rained again...the weather couldn't make a decision LOL.
Ugh almost time for bed....atleast tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Today was better than yesterday...thank god!
It went by quicker; that's good. Tomorrow will be another busy day because of sales; just like any other Thursday.
Today was Administrative Appreciation day; where we thanked our department secretary for all her hard work. Jane is such a nice lady and funny as hell. The department got her flowers and two boxes of cupcakes for was sooo good lol.
Today was a nice day; although I did not go on break to take a walk outside; I was too lazy lol.
Any way; I am so tired...gonna go to bed!

SeventyFour || 291 days left...

today was a reck. headache and what not...

Another week of work.
Weekends are becoming just a glimpse now. It kind of sucks. But I like my job enough to stay and the money isn't too bad :)
Work was pretty good today...the morning just REALLY dragged. We had a coffee/dounut day courtesy of Fred Deluca (founder of subway); treated everyone to Dounkin Donuts haha. Today was a nice day; it was cold but then it was nice, had lunch outside with the ladies as well; a bit windy but we made the best of it.
I miss hanging out with friends when I can...and it's getting harder and harder to make plans with people; for two reasons only ... I work M-F and then when the weekends come I only have Saturday to my self and then Sunday is 99% of the time Family Day .... ahhh. I guess that is life though right? Ugh...

SeventyTwo || 293 days left...

I am so tiredddddd.
Went to Brunch with the family; made a cake for Courtney, her birthday was thursday and today was my brother and her's 1 yr. anniversary. Too cute!!
Then my cousins and her kids came over for a while and we watched some cheesey movies lol.
Dreading work tomorrow. So tiring.
I'm awaiting for the weekend! lol blahhhh blahhhh

saturday was aboring day.
the end lol

Seventy || 295 days left...

Work was suckish.
Ugh It gave me such a headache...luckily it was an early day....or else.
Opened up a new bank account with Bank of America so I can do direct deposit my checks instead of doing it manually. so that is good.
Tonight is all about catching up on my shows and relaxing....

SixtyNine || 296 days left...

Work was busy today.
As every thursday is...
Collected sales for most of the day; put orders on hold till after 3 when sales closed out for the week.
Then I had to send out a mass email to all my franchisees because there have been credit frauds going around and one customer is suing a franchisee for 66,000 dollars (I believe thats how much).
one of my stores (which I found out today) was breached and is now a victim of the credit fraud; hopefully they could recover from this asap.
I'm hoping that is the only store of mine.
Tomorrow is an early day...yikes; atleast I get out early and I get to cash my check

SixtyEight || 297 Days Left...

Today was such a drag!!
Didn't go to bed till 11pm which right there screwed up my whole day today lol. Woke up feeling so groggy and tired. Got into work and there was just no action happening...seriously I literally got like 3 calls in 3 hours haha.
Had a meeting with my benefits person @ work. My health insurance kicks in in May and I am doing the 401k program as well to build up my retirement plan :)
I'm so tired; I'll probably go to bed earlier like 8:30 or so...

SixtySeven || 298 days left...

Work was ehh...I got to update an edit list on my own so that is good :)
Lindsay is coming over. We're gonna watch a movie..not sure which one but we will figure it out lol.
My allergies are slowly going away but they are still present.
The weather was nice today; went for a walk, also had lunch outside with my boss.

SixtySix || 299 days left...

Work was blahh; Kind of slow but then it picked up.
The weather was really nice, but my allergies were acting up.
I am so tired...Wed I have a meeting with the benefits dept so I can start my health insurance and everything.
I thought it would happen in June but I guess its in May.
Is it the weekend yet? lol seriously I am so tired.

SixtyFive || 300 days left...

Family day!
Lovely day to see the family :)
My cousin got the tickets for Lady Gaga finally! Whoop Whoop lmao. She's coming to the XL center in September. I have to remember to take that Friday off from work or come in late or something lol.
I like my new phone its pretty cool, the battery life just really sucks.
I think I ate too much lol; we ordered out today instead of cooking...blahhh lol so much fooood.
Back to work tomorrow...feels like I only had one day off; this sucks. lol
anyways I'm gonna go...maybe take a nap or something; I feel so bloated.

SixtyFour || 301 days left...

Saturday was a very lazy lazy day...
lol what do you expect man...working 5 days a week...totally deserved it!
I am so tired though...ugh.
Gonna go play some sims then head off to bed :)

SixtyThree || 302 days left...

Work was pretty slow today. I got an angry email from that person yesterday...which I am not surprised; but that's life right? Ahhh...anywho so work was slow...just caught up on some stuff; re-arranged the office space and what not.
I love my new phone!!!!!! Yesterday I upgraded my phone; got the HTC Droid Eris. It is a smart phone 3G; it's got pandora, and this cool app. where I can make my own ringtone from mp3s that I send from my computer (AWESOME!!!)
ahhhh loves it :D
anyways its the weekend. Time to catch up on my shows, etc.,

SixtyTwo || 303 days left...

Work was ehh today...boring and long and then I get this call...
I put in an order for a part they needed last friday and I sent out a comment saying Hot Rush Over Night it. She called Wednesday to see if it was sent out and I told her I would try to contact them. Well I got caught up with work and everything that I forgot (we're human we forget).
She calls today and asks where it is and has an angry tone, I told her I would call NuVu and get her a tracking and then she asks to speak to my supervisor. And then while I was getting her I hear her talking to someone mocking me ... i wanted to just say on the phone "umm I'm still here and I can hear you mocking me".
So I really got angry and I thought she (my supervisor) that she'd get angry with me because I made a mistake, I forgot that when I do that, that I was suppose to call the vendor and tell them I sent an overnight.
But luckily she was understanding and I called the vendor and tracked the item. Called back the person (left a voicemail and apologized) I felt bad I truly did and it sucks that that person had to mock me while I was on the phone.
AHHHH but anyways I got a new phone...finally :) time for bed!

SixtyOne || 304 days left...

What a day it was...
First off I was almost an hour late to work because of a major accident on the highway...which I did not know because our cable is off.
Work was ok today. Busy with a lot of stuff but I got the work done.
It was so hot...I did not even go outside for my break.
It was up to 88-90ish today where I worked but towards the shore, where I live, it was around 86 degrees. It was still hot.
Went for a run at the beach...ugh too much lol. I need to get back on this running gig, I have not ran in so long.
I did about 2.56 miles today which isn't too bad I guess lol.
Maybe if I run this weekend it won't be bad, I'll probably run to the beach from my house; it's like a 2-4 mile run I believe to the chick's restaurant. not too bad.
I'm ready for bed!!! ... Tomorrow a new cell!!

Sixty || 305 days left...

No Tv; had no internet for a while;
Now I do. Work was ok.
I need to go running some more.
Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful :)

FiftyNine || 306 days left

What a beautiful day it was ... and of course I had work.
Today wasn't too bad; although it was really quite (we had two people out today)
There was a freakin' spider crawling on my cubical wall when I came back from lunch! yuck I almost freaked out; but I killed it! lol
All this week is suppose to be gorgeous; Wed is suppose to be high in the 80's! wow that is crazy lol.
My feet started to swell at work so it started my feet started to hurt in my shoe...I think it was from the warm weather and it was pretty warm in the office as well.
Ahh its time for bed lol

Happy Easter!!!
And what a lovely day it was! I remember last year it was so cold, we all had our winter jackets and everything. It was at least 67-70 degrees out today and I was so hot!
I made turkey (weird to have on Easter I know lol) and then my brother made prime rib which was SOOOOO good; and he also made homemade horseradish dip for it! Yum!
I think I gained like 10 lbs today LOL.
It was such a good day that I ended up going for a nice job around the neighborhood this morning. I only did like 1.5 miles because I haven't ran in so long.
I am ready for bed; but not for work LOL.
Peace y'all

FiftySeven || 308 days left...

Got a new tv today!!!
It's a flat screen 32" samsung. I can connect my ipod to it and its so nice lol.
Finally a TV that does not have a ringing sound that would drive me nuts!
Yeah my old TV had this ringing noise because it was an old one and it would drive me crazy, it was more of a buzzing sound than ringing.
I love this tv; thanks to my brother and sister-in-law. It was a thank you gift for watching their kids for so long for free lol.

Work was good today.
Yeah HQ was open on Friday; but most of the vendors we ordered from were closed so we could not ask questions to them. Most of the franchisees thought we were closed so we did not have as many calls as usual; which was nice, I got to catch up on some work, clean out some old folders, update my call list, etc. I think I got more emails than calls today lol.
Some one in the kitchen downstairs was cooking something delicious; around 10am-ish I smelt cookies and gram crackers baking lol; then some of the people from work came around the aisles with a tray full of cookies that kind of looked like a tortellini shaped cookie. It was a fancy smore, inside was melted chocolate with marshmallow ...SO GOOD! Than I had an apple cake that my co-worker brought in, and another co-worker also brought in a nice treat for us which was cute.
Lorraine comes back Monday, and Diane is back from work (she was out because she went through chemo therapy but shes better looking good too). I'm gonna miss Sue (she was the floater who was covering Diane's desk for 2 months); she keeps me entertained with the crazy calls she gets lol.
Today was a good day; cannot wait for Easter! And supposedly I'm getting a TV tomorrow as a thank you for watching my kids for free for all these times from my brother lol

FiftyFive || 310 days left...

Work was ok today. It was slow, but then it got busy, then it got slow again.
This breakfast rollout is a mess. I can't wait till it's over.
I can't believe its been a month since I first worked at subway! CRAZY! I was talking to my boss about how the days have been going by so really does feel like yesterday that I started.
Today was such a gorgeous day :) Hopefully it will stick for a while.
Tomorrow is an early day at work... aka me going to bed very soon!

FiftyFour || 311 days left...

Oh work. I love how you make these days go by like nothing.
Tomorrow marks one month at my work. It's pretty crazy...I hate this rollout at work. It's so hectic and franchisees freak out when they realize that they are missing stuff from their box and then they don't know what to do...I hope it will be a better next week.
Lorraine comes back monday!! yay! Miss that lady :)
Bed early today! Last night I did not get home till late; about 10pm (ya people...that's late to me! lol) and I did not get to fall asleep till 11pm because I watched one show last night.
Can't wait till the weekend! I need to sleep in or something. My brother is supposedly taking me to get my new TV on Saturday :) hollerrrr <3
Ok...time to relax

FiftyThree || 312 days left

busy day.
had a hair cut
the end lol

FiftyTwo || 313 days left...

Work was busy. Covered for Lorraine again. Her phone was off the hook this morning.
The day went by pretty quick which is good. Made the time go by really quick!
It's been raining non stop today...and it won't stop till Mid-Wednesday I believe.
I can't wait for the it here yet? lol
I hope this weekend I can get my new phone.
It needs an upgrade...ASAP!

FiftyOne || 314 days left...

Boston was so much fun.
When we drove around the actually places I use to go to when Sarah and Lindsay use to go to school there, I really started to miss and fall in love with the the city all over again.
I truly believe that in a few years I can live there.
It's so easy to get around and it's a town I already know.
The drive home wasn't too bad...It went faster than going up to Boston.
I'm so tired; I don't want to go to work lame.

Fifty || 315 days left...

Ok making an early blog today.
Going up to bean town with the people.
This will be a fun 3 hour drive haha.
Went to the bank today and cashed my check.
I did not cash it at my bank, so I went to where my work gets the check (BOA)
and it was weird because they made me do a thumb print on it...
that wasn't the case last week when I went to the milford one...weird.
Ehh I should go and get some stuff packed and get ready.. maybe clean a little lol.
Its sunny out but cold :( lame

FortyNine || 316 days left...

Finally made it to the weekend!
Work was ok. Kind of busy but not really.
Covered Lorraine's desk once again; and my boss just told me she's out this coming week as well...
Went out to dinner with Sarah, Nancy, Steph, and James at Noodle House. That was fun; I had Thai Ice Tea which was AHmazing LOL
Then me Sarah and Nancy walked around Broadway; most of the shops were closed but we went to the Gourmet Heaven to get German Chocolate and then we went to the Yale bookstores.
Home now. Laundry then packing for tomorrow :)
I can't wait to go to Bean Town...I miss it too much!!!

FortyEight || 317 days left...

Work was lame.
Busy as heck...and I order the wrong thing for this general manager like a week ago.
He told me one thing and I miss interpreted what he said because the items have similar names so I basically screwed up.
This guy is a nice guy but he sounded pissed off. He's probably thinking the new girl definitely F-ed up. GREAT ugh...
And it is going to be a bitch to return and stuff. I just feel really bad because I screwed up...but we all make mistakes...
I need to so tired.

FortySeven || 318 days left...

Today was a very interesting day....
So heading up to work I notice all these people standing across the street. At first I thought it was franchisees getting a tour of the buildings (weird I know) but then I realized there were cops at our building.
Apparently someone had left a voicemail over night saying that a bomb would go off in the parking lot of our main building at 9am.
It was crazy. I got there at 8:30 and we didn't go in till an hour later. So when we finally got in the building we were behind in work and everything else. Nuts.
It was soooo cold out this morning!
Eventually we were let in and work was just nuts today. But it made the day go by faster...but then again I did not go on break at all today because it was just that busy. Tomorrow will be even crazier. Sales. Blahhh I just want the weekend here.

FortySix || 319 days left...

Work was busy as heck.
Lots of stuff going on...
Went to a movie with dad (Green Zone)
It was actually pretty good!
I'm ready for BED! lol
ughh is it the weekend yet?
Going to Beantown with Sarah, Nancy, Stephanie & James.
This will be fun :)

FortyFive || 320 Days left...

Another week. Another week of work!
Today was hell. 3 people where out from my aisle.
Lorraine was out for surgery and Diana (who I have never met yet) is still out on medical leave. She has been out for 3 months now, but the woman who usually covers her, Sue, has Mondays off. Then Cheryl was out sick today so we were really busy. I covered Lorraine's phone all day today. It was ok, kept me busy though which was good.
It was just crazy in the office...Danielle who was covering Lorraine's emails (which I thought Rita was today) put in an order that I put in Friday when I was covering her emails. I did not want to delete the email just in case I needed to refer to it again...
And then I had to cancel 3 orders that some stores did not need anymore because their DA said it was not necessary anymore...after they told everyone on Thursday to order it because it was required...YEP! that's my life LOL
I am so ready for bed. Seriously! I am so tired right now. I am just waiting for 9pm to roll around so I can hit the hay...I might actually go to bed earlier ha.
ok...I am heading to relaxing mode lol.

FortyFour || 321 days left...

Such a nice Sunday :)
The sun was out and the weather was beautiful.
Family came over for the usual get together.
The rain is suppose to come back :( lame...
Back to work tomorrow...the weekend felt like it was a day.
Ahh I am so tired. I am ready for bed...hbu?

FortyThree || 322 days left...

Such a GORGEOUS day today! It had to be at least 68-71 degrees out.
Went to New Haven to the Gourmet Heaven place with Sarah and Lindsay to have lunch. We ate it out side on this little island on Broadway. The sun was out and it was so nice out!
Went around Broadway to the shops and then went to the Gym with Sarah. I only ran about 1.3 miles. I was so tired I didn't want to run anymore lol. Usually I run around 2-3 miles but today I was like eff it!
After that Me and her went to Target, I bought a dress and some running pants and new shoes :D; we went back to Broadway in New Haven to get Sarah's new backpack and I ended up buying a north face jacket :) it's really nice it's light enough but it's good for when it rains.
I'm ready for bed. My eyes feel heavy and I'm ready for SLEEEEEEP!!!!!!

FortyTwo || 323 days left...

Work was good today.
Busy but good.
Left Early because I came in @ 8am.
Covered Lorraine's Emails today.
Cashed in my check (monnney)
and then I'm hanging out at Jessie's
short blog :)

FortyOne || 324 days left...

Today was busy as expected at work.
Transmitting sales and what not. I mean this morning wasn't too bad it was ok and everything but after lunch I had to cover my co-worker Lorraine's calls because she is out on medical leave. Her area is so nice! I mean I love my area but her area is well prepared haha, they either have the item # or the correct name of what they want which is amazing. haha tomorrow I'm in charge of her emails.
Work is good, I'm starting to pick up on a few things and recognizing items without asking my supervisor what it is. She actually noticed that I am picking up quickly when I closed out sales on my own LOL
I'm ready for bed...Oh speaking of bed time; I was taking a walk outside my break when these ladies (around 40-50ish) were walking behind me and I over heard their conversation. I guess one of the ladies is going on a cruise and isn't taking her friend because she sleeps in too in 10am late LOL I was like man...I'm at that point now where 10am is almost late for me too...hahah.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful lately! Today me and some co-workers ate lunch outside. So nice, it was up to 67 degrees! Hopefully this stays like this for a while.

Forty || 325 days left...

Happy St. Patties Day!
Brought cookies to work. There was too much food in my aisle. Cupcakes, Quiche, Cookies, Cake, ughh too much. Then around 3:30-4pm we all started to crash...LOL we were hyper and then we started to slow down, it was too funny.
Had corn beef for lunch, it was pretty good. My co-worker Lorraine got it from some restaurant. Speaking of Lorraine, she is going to be out for a week. She's getting hand surgery. Hopefully all goes well.
Tomorrow should be a busy day...It's the deadline for sales and it will be pretty crazy. Between calling stores and making orders it will be nuts-o! But it should make the day go by quicker.
Ahhh...almost time for I'm gonna get going!
P.s. It was SUCH a beautiful day today :)

ThirtyNine || 326 days left...

Made cookies today for work...took me a while but I made them, and I made some for my brother and his co-workers; I am such a nice person.
Another slow day at work...but I have a feeling tomorrow will make up for it. There is a franchisee meeting in one of my areas; I believe it is Marshall's ...which is Colorado and there will be a lot of orders...hopefully not too much!
It was such a nice day today. Took a nice walk in the morning and afternoon; then at lunch after we ate me, rita and her friend went outside and sat in the sun, it was so nice.
Lost was good tonight.
Ok...thats enough now...going to bed soon!

ThirtyEight || 327 days left...

Today at work was pretty slow. Usually Mondays really just dragged. I know this week will be pretty busy though because both my DA offices are holding Franchisee meetings a day apart and I'll probably get a million calls LOL.
So between work being slow, my supervisor gave me a list of courses I need to take on "university subway" website lol. It's miscellaneous courses that different departments have to take. For example today I did 3 courses, first one was how to make a party platter, then learning about CPC (sales info), and the last one I took was School Programs (I have 7 stores that are part/or in a school). It's not bad, some classes can be 2hours some just 10. And we have to take a test after wards which wasn't too bad.
The weather is pretty bad here. Its so windy and cold. It's still raining. It's been raining since friday...CRAZY! Ugh I am freezing right now, and the wind is so strong I can feel the house shake...ugh.
It's almost time for tired LOL...that's all have been doing lately...sleeping, working, tv, sleep HAHAHA

ThirtySeven|| 328 days left...

So Lin and her boyfriend did not end up coming, I mean they came to the house, parked and argued. She texted me to come down and get in the car to talk about what was going on. She was upset and crying because they have been arguing on the way to my deats on what the issue was, I just hope everything is ok.
The fight was good, kind of boring LOL, I was really hoping for a KO but it did not happen and they fought all 12 rounds...made it longer than I hoped it would be haha.
Today I went to a family friend's birthday party. Her daughter turned four and they had it at a place called "my gym" and it was all gymnastic's and stuff, it was pretty neat.
Doing laundry now, relaxing till I go to bed, which is fairly soon, probably around nine-ish or after I iron my clothes lol.
Tomorrow is another week at work (haha I almost wrote school); pay day on wed. is going to be the big kahuna. I'm excited but then again not because it's all going towards bills LOL.
ahh well I better get off and continue to do my fun...not really LOL

ThirtySix || 329 days left...

Family is over.
Pac-man fight tonight. He is fighting @ the Dallas Cowboy Arena in TX.
That means a shit load of people are going.
I think Lindsay and her bf are coming over as well to watch it lol.
Tomorrow is a birthday party for my mom's co-worker.
I'm tired lol.

ThirtyFive || 330 days left...

Friday was so slow at work. I basically just did orders and checked on sales and stuff...answered emails yadda yadda.
After work I just relaxed at home and catched up on my shows...thats about it lol.

ThirtyFour || 331 days left...

Work was so busy today. We had to do sales and call stores to send them plus order stuff for stores, etc.,
Weather was kind of crappy; cloudy and rainy.
I'm getting a hang of work..but still learning a lot...
I am so tired. I didn't sleep till 11 (I know thats not late) and woke up at 6:30 so tired.. never doing that again..9/10 the latest LOL
ahhh I can't believe the weekend is almost feels like it was Monday yesterday...

ThirtyThree || 332 days left...

Sarah picked me up from work.
Got my first paycheck
Went to mall
Finally saw Lindsay lol.
Had Taco Bell.
the end :)

ThirtyTwo || 333 days later...

What a day! Busy busy Bussssssy!
I had to make a call sheet for the weekly sales and it took most of the day to do between answering phones, emails, and learning from my supervisor. But I finally got it done.
It was long but I got through it.
I also handled my first fustrated customer today, I had my supervisor with me guiding me through it, what to tell him and I just kept calm, she told my co-worker I didn't even break a sweat haha.
It was so nice out, at my 10am break I took a walk around the parking lot. That was nice, to get some fresh air!
Hmm...that's it, nothing else really interesting happened at work today besides that :)

ThirtyOne || 334 days left...

Work was ok today. My area was pretty quite.
The job is still hard but my co-workers are helping me through it which is a good thing. Lorraine, who is the oldest there she is 75, told me it took her 2 years. I hope it doesn't take me that long but we all work on our own pace :)
Lets see what else happened...nothing really; I wish I had a radio at my desk, when it gets slow its really I might bring in my ihome for now until I get a smaller one.
I'm getting better with the phone so that is good. I can't really order anything without my supervisor but I can look up everything else.
The weekend went by so fast...this week is going to be slow, but hopefully not. tired. gonna watch some TV
p.s. weather has been really nice these past couple of days.

Thirty || 335 days left...

Oh MAN! I missed yesterday's blog; I was soooo busy and I was feeling shitty.
Yesterday I had family over and we celebrated my sister-in-law and brother's anniversary. 4 years.
Then we went to the movies and watched Alice in Wonderland 3D. It was pretty good. I was not disappointed, loved it.
I'm feeling really sick today. Not like dizzy but congested. It sucks...hopefully it goes away.
---cont @ 9pm---
so i had sushi night with my cousins and my brothers. It was fun, it was ok sushi lol. I am so tired, gonna go to bed soon, I got a new book called "Diary" by Chuck Palanuck (I think thats how you spell his last name) he wrote the book Fight Club; and the movie is based on it (its the one with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton).
another day at work fun lol.

TwentyEight || 337 days left...

I made it! I completed a full week of work! and now I think my body hates me!
I am so tired and I and sick. There have been a lot of people with colds and stuff and it's getting around. I can't afford to call out so this weekend I am going to take it easy.
Today was an early day. I went in at 8am and left at 4:30. I missed happy hour lol because of the early day but who cares it would have been awkward hah.
Had lunch with the brother and his co-workers which was cool, we ordered from this seafood place and everyone in the cafe was like "where'd you get that? smells good!" haha.
I'm getting use to the work. Been answering calls with my supervisor on the phone as well, which at times could be intimidating but its not too bad LOL.
ahhh well I am tired...sorry its so short.

TwentySeven || 338 days left...

Keeping this short. Work was fine. Just a little busy.
I had to call all the stores that did not send in their sales in.
then I made some orders. its getting easier but not really.
tomorrow I get to go home at 4:30 if I come in at 8am!
Hopefully I get there by 7:50!
ok going to bed!

TwentySix || 339 days left...

Day 3 of job.
Today was an actually busy day. Most of the Weekly Sales are submitted after 8pm to the offices so on Wed we have to check them and update them. If they aren't sent in we'd have to ask for the hard copy and then manually enter them in (which I did and they were fun to do lol).
Also today I had to make sure all the stores signed the evaluation logs and etc., had to do some emails and answer some questions. I observed on the phone again while my supervisor made calls.
I had lunch with my brother and two of his co-workers. then I had a break at 3pm and went on a short walk with Cindy and Rita (my supervisor).
Ahhh so tired. Alot was done today...I took home the coordinator handbook to look over and read because on friday I finally get to use my computer and I will be registered in the system...meaning I'm probably on my own lol.
My eye has been twitching like crazy today...which means that I am probably stressed out but don't know about it.
Today it was snowing (but it wasn't thick enough to stick) but traffic was like woooah. I was almost a late but this lady (who I don't know but was so kind) she pressed the IN button so I can swipe my ID just in time to punch in before I get penalized for lateness LOL thanks lady :)

TwentyFive || 340 days left...

Day #2 at job. Lots more training...I am learning much more everyday.
But it goes in the ear and out the other but I think that once I start to physically put in orders and take calls it won't be too bad.
We had a meeting today on new stuff that franchisees can order (i was soooo in the blue).
For a while it was slow, because of the time difference and everything, but then towards 2-3pm the phones started to ring.
Lunch is still weird lol, but I like the people I have lunch with. They are friends of my supervisor, they were telling me stories of rude customers they have talked to. Its pretty funny.
I am tired. I'm not use to this; but I suppose it will get better. Last night I fell right to sleep and did not wake up till 6am, fifteen minutes before my alarm went off lol.
Tomorrow is another day, but one of the busiests. We have to do reports so I have to learn how to do that. Must take notes! lol
Oh one thing I like about my aisle is that there is an empty one right behind mine (I am on the right side and first cubicle) and there is always snacks on it LOL/ I'm not decorating it right now, once I get settled I will lol.
Ok I'm going to try to go to bed at 10 instead of 11 tonight.
g-night ya'll

TwentyFour || 341 days left...

Oh my feet! they hurt! LOL
Today was my first day at work. It was fun. Everyone is extremely nice there. My supervisor showed me a lot of the things I have to do. It was a lot but she told me that everyone went through what I had. Which is cool cause they know what I am going through. Also my brother told me that it will be hard but I'll get use to it.
I am in charge of Colorado and Washington state. And there is a store that is relocating and I have to order their supplies. But thankfully I did not have to do the phones right now, my co-workers are covering it while I train. Speaking of my co-workers, they are so nice (of course) lol. There is 9 of us, and they are adorable. Most of them are older, there are 2 that I believe are around 27-35 ish. They all made me a sign :) makes me feel even more welcomed there!
Lets going to lunch was weird. It was like highschool all over again, trying to find out who to sit with and etc., today I went with my supervisor and some of her friends it was nice, and I had a sandwich from the sandwich bar and we talked and then we went back to the aisle and she showed me some stuff, on our break (our 7min one) we took a walk around the parking lot with Cindy, she works in Franchise Services as well but in a different aisle, because it was so nice out!
Its a lot of work. I think I will be overwhelmed with it for now but...eventually I will get a hang of it...hopefully.
All I want to do is sleep right now but I know if I do I'll wake up like 12am and then never go back to sleep...its bad. So I am like dosing and keeping myself busy till 11pm rolls around and into bed I GO!
----(cont. at 10:29pm)----
I wonder what they will have me do tomorrow. Most likely reviewing what to do and stuff. I need to decorate my cubical. Its so bland right now. I can bring in a radio to play music, but really low. I need to get like a small iHome or something to hook up my ipod.
Ahhh I am getting really tired now...time for bed!

TwentyThree || 342 days left...

Happy Birthday to my dearest cousin Natania Z.! She is fourteen today!! My god do I feel old. I remember when I was 7 and my cousin Amy was preggers with feels just like yesterday.
I remember when I use to tell her to say these curse words & then I said, "DONT EVER REPEAT IT AGAIN!" lol and she didn't haha. Good girl. She starts high school next year! Lame, I hope she won't turn out like those girls...gettin' pregnant and all (lol).
Made cake for her and my sister. Tomorrow is my sister-in-law's birthday and their (Jess and my brother Ken) 4 year anniversary! That's so smart...getting married on a birthday LOL. Check out the cake I made:

I got a surprise from my other cousin Mel! She sent me an edible bouquet! It was cute and yummy! lol She sent it for my first day of work :) lol

Also today I will not be reviewing music as much but I will create an iMix of my top 5 songs :) enjoyyyy <3

TwentyTwo || 343 days left...

Today I was still at my brother's house. Keara is pretty sick, poor girl :( hopefully she will get better soon!
I am sooo tired and exhausted. I actually woke up at 7am today. Wasn't too bad. Helped with the kids and stuff.
I continued playing the game 'heavy rain'. I really like it. I actually finished the story, two characters died and most of them survived but it did not end the way I wanted too lol. I think I might play it again the next time I am at my brothers, its pretty cool because the stories change all the time from what you choose to do or not do in the game.
I'm watching buffy right now. I love this show, I really like her and Angel rather than her and Spike. Maybe that's why I love Bones so much, because I have a thing for David Boreanaz lol.
One more day till I start my job! I am excited and nervous at the same time!!! ahhhhh!
Oh and guess what I forgot to mention...It snowed yesterday! I know! SO FUCKING annoying.......... where the hell are you spring??

TwentyOne || 344 days left...

Kids say the darnest things:

"C'mon Bri, I can get it. I'm a SUPER BOY!" - Hunter; Bri asked to get the bear off of her dresser that's high up, mind you hunter is about a foot smaller than Bri lol.
Day 2 of watching the kids. Bridgette is here as well :) I played with them and then sent them downstairs to play.
I tried out this new game on my brother's PS3. Its called Heavy Rain. It's really good. I am addicted to it, but I have to start over again :( because it kept freezing. Its like a murder mystery game. Pretty cool.
I don't know what I am doing tomorrow, but what ever it may be it better be fun lol.

Twenty || 345 days left...

My 20th blog :)
It is another rainy day ... (and I paused only continue at 11:50pm!)
Ok going to make this quick before the night is over!
So I went shopping again with my mom. I got 2 more shirts and a cardigan plus pants. Today I broke in my new shoes, my feet kind of hurt but it is not that bad.
I hung out with Sarah for a while, helped her get plane tickets for her friend Nancy who will come visit end of march, that will be fun! I will finally get to meet her instead of talking her thru the phone lol.
Then I watched the kids for a few hours, then headed out to a dinner celebration with my cousin mel and her son Tristan, my nephew. We went to Kumo's in New Haven and had sushi & wine! yummmy! After that we headed to hartford to pick up some tickets that she was giving to my other cousin Amy, we dropped it off at her house in North Haven and then we just hung out there and talked. It was fun. Amy gave me some cheesecake! haha.
Ok thats all for now and I am going to bed soon! peeeace! (and its only 11:59:14pm)

Nineteen || 346 Days Left...

My legs hurt and I smell...that's the price you pay when you work out :/ lol ran a good 2 miles and I feel GOOD.
Besides running I was kind of lazy today. I woke up at 10am then...slowly fell back asleep till 12pm haha, oh man, but I did wake up! I watched some shows and etc., that's about it, so borrring.
Then I started to watch this movie "30 Days of Night". Its based on the comic book where these REAL vampires (not like Twilight haah) invade this small Alaskan town during the time when there is a month of nightfall. It's pretty good. I like these kinds of vampires versus the twilight/vampire diaries kind. I mean these are the vampires are the blood thirsty violent kind I grew up fearing, and I love the thrill lol. I am a big fan of the blade series, and the scary ones. I do love Interview with a Vampire (oh brad pitt and "pre-crazy" tom cruise <3).
So anywho I am continuing it right now , had to stop and record it when I went to gym, and I guess one of the survivors is asking the sheriff to kill him to use him as bate so the rest of them can try to escape. Its sad, because josh harret (the sheriff) goes out and axes him...the reason being that the guy wanted to die to be with his wife and daughter who were killed by a drunk driver.
LOL crazzzzzy ahhh, tomorrow the kids are coming over and then I am going shopping with madre again. How nice of her...but I'll have to pay her back after my first pay check lol
hmm...I think that is it for now...this movie has got me captivated and hiding behind my hands lol

Eighteen || 347 days left...

I am tired. So practicing my new 'sleeping' pattern sucks. I failed today haha. I set my alarm at 10:15am but that did not happen. I woke up almost 12pm haha. Last night I could not sleep because I took an extra long nap and did not sleep till 2am (yikes!). And then my dad is banging at my door at 7am asking if the kids were coming over god! lol.
Tonight I will definitely go to bed earlier, 11pm the latest. I really need to get use to it or else I will be screwed!
My mom took me shopping today. I actually enjoyed going to the mall today; it was not packed at all and no stupid teens were there. And it was about 1:45pm too...amazing! haha. So she got me my 'business casual' clothes, 3 pairs of pants (2 of them I need to get altered and one of them I am actually going to return and get a new pair...too flairy lol), 3 blouses, 2 cardigan sweaters (i need like a bunch of them too because of my tattoo I really dont want to expose it), and a pair of black shoes. they are like heels but not really lol. I LOVE them I want to wear them out like to the bars or something. hah.She's taking me shopping again for more blouses on thursday. She's really happy for me and proud, it was so cute when she told me. But I think she's just happy I won't be home doing nothing anymore LOL.
I think that is going to be a good year and hopefully it will be! And I hope to maybe move out of here in 2 years lol.

Seventeen || 348 Days Left...

It's my last free monday! yikes. Next week I start work. I am a little nervous but I think I can do it, it will be busy but I think it will be fun.
My mom is taking me business shopping, buying new shoes and office appropriate clothing. I feel like a working woman now! Also its prompting me to take my driver's ed safety class. Yah I know I'm 21 and I STILL don't have my license...yikes. But I am going for it. I mean I drove before just haven't gotten my license.
ANYWAYS...haha, I am currently watching "My Life as Liz", it is wayyy over acted for a supposed 'reality' show but for some reason I always come back for more EVERY week. But I think I watch it because 'The Buried Life' is right before it.
I love that show, its about these group of friends that complete things off their bucket list & for everyone that they do, they help another person do something off their list. It's such a good show lol. One of their episodes made me cry because they helped a girl visit her mother's grave, she hasn't seen her mom since she died during hurricane katrina. It was so sad :(
Ahh I should go to bed soon...I need to get into the mode of waking up at 6am. So Today and Tuesday I'll set my alarm for 9am; Wed & Thu 8 am; Fri-Sun 6am (lets see how long that lasts lol)

Sixteen || 349 days left...

I'm soooo bad! i forgot to set up an iMix for sunday's music review! yikes!
Ok I promise you tomorrow I will make up for it!
I had family over today and I was kind of hung over from last night @ Sarah's house.
Today was fun, I got to meet my cousins from Scotland, they are on Holiday :) haha I love saying that..."On Holiday". They are going to Florida this week so they stopped by today before they left.
It was cool, although they do not have a crazy scottish accent LOL. I think they lived in Philippines at first and then moved there. My cousin is a chef at a hotel in Scotland, which is cool :)
I have the kids tonight. Keara is looking at my photo wall and talking to herself. Its too cute...she is saying things like, "That me. That Tita! That me. That Huntah!" soo adorable! ahh she is too smart!
Well I am gonna go, Hope you all had a great weekend!

Fifteen || 350 days left...

Lately I have not been dreaming...
I am missing my dreams. Can not dreaming be caused by stress? Most probably...
Today is a really nice day. The snow is FINALLY melting away and the weather is up by 10 degrees (now 44)! I cannot wait for spring...I think I have spring fever!
My brother's girlfriend woke me up by text lol. She was congratulating me on the job and told me that she'd take me "professional" shopping for office clothes lol. So weird. I am a working woman now!
Going to Sarah's with Lindsay tonight. We're gonna have a few drinks and play some games maybe watch a movie or something. Haven't hung out with the WHOLE gang in a long time! lameeee.
Ok. That's it for today lmao. PEACE

Fourteen || 351 days left...

Hello Weekend!
I am so tired. Hanging out with Jess reminded me of the good ol' times we use to have. I have known her the longest out of all my friends. We go way back to Kindergarten. We had Ms. Gaudinoli (I think that is how you spelled her name). Check out our school photo:
Can you spot me? Jessie had to sit on our teacher's lap because she was FREAKING OUT for some reason. We have known each other for about 17 years...crazy I know. LOL
Yesterday we watched the olympics, I helped her out with getting stuff because she can't really walk, she has to keep her foot elevated and stuff. We looked up our names on '' and it was pretty was just wrong and hilarious.
Well thats all that really happened today...maybe tomorrow will be more exciting haha.

Thirteen || 352 days left...

Best News EVER!
I got the job!
I got a job!
I can vomit of happiness!
this is big news to me!
I am finally out of Retail biz and now an office worker!
I am too excited for words!
I know this is a weird way of writing my blog but I am so deal (lol)
ahhhhh, it is so awesome!
and I know these people are going to be so nice.
I'm just in awe...
Welcome to the Grown Up World Tash.... :)

Tweleve || 353 days left...

Ok short blog. I have 17 minutes till the new day!
Today I built another snow-girl with the kids and my other niece Bridgette joined us!
It was fun, hunter named her after Bri so that was cute.
After they left I took a much needed nap haha; went running again today, ran 2.15 mi (something like that lol) my right foot hurts alot, I forgot to stretch and I think I ran wrong on it.
Sarah is over, suppose to be helping her study but she's not studying right now LOL.
Tomorrow is another day; and I will be at Jessie's! Haven't seen her in ages; she's getting surgery on her foot and I will be nursing her back to health lol.
Ok. I am gonna go & help sarah, make her get off her computer...
If you are reading this sarah GO STUDY!

Eleven || 354 days left...

And it snowed again...

...I love it, but I hate it at the same time. I miss the warm weather, going to the beach and just relaxing. I really need to go somewhere warm. People are saying that it has snowed in every state this year, except for Hawaii of course. That is just crazy! I wonder if that is really true...
I have the kids tonight; I took them out to play in the snow and we built a snow man! or should I say snow-woman? Haha. I asked them to name it and Keara was trying to say "girl" but it sounded like "Gail" so that is what we went with haha.
Today was a 'Lost' day. This episode made up for last week's and was GOOD. Terry O'Quinn is officially my favorite actor, he plays John Locke (one of my favorite characters on the show) and he does an amazing job doing it as well as playing the new guy aka "the black smoke monster". Then on the show they finally FINALLY answered one of my questions! I can't tell you because you may watch the show, but I freaked out! lol.
Hmm...well I think thats all I can talk about now; I'm gettin tired! I'll post the pictures I took today:

Ten || 355 days left...

So yesterday I went running, ran 2.3 mi. It was a good run; felt awesome...until night fall when I was trying to go to sleep. For some reason my lower back was in pain. I was about ready to cry...I think when I was doing my crunches I somehow I pulled something. Ugh I was about ready to like scream of pain. And I wouldn't care as much about it but I needed the sleep, I needed to wake up at 8am to get ready and study.
You see today I had an interview for a job that I really need! It has great benefits, the people that work there are amazing, and I need this job! So...having lower back pains was annoying; I didn't fully fall asleep till about 3am-ish and I was mad. Thankfully I woke up in a good mood.
My interview went well, to me lol. Before hand I had to take a test called the 'Wonderlic' test, it is like the SAT's. You have to complete as many questions in 12 minutes. It wasn't too bad...hopefully I did ok, because if I did not then there is no chance that I will be getting this job.
Then I had 3 interviews, one with Human Resources, the next with the Asst. Director of Coordinators, and the last one with my potential supervisor. It was a little intense but there was a lot of waiting. Overall I was there for about 1 hour and a half. It wasn't too bad.
If I do get the job I'll be working with my brother. Not the same department but we'd be working for the same company. It's pretty exciting and I am praying and hoping that I get this job. I hope God or who ever is upstairs is watching out for me...I truly hope so

Sunday Music Mix #2: My top 5 favorite Love-ish songs || Happy Valentine's Day to all!

"Indian Moon" by State Radio - of course I had to add my favorite band in the WHOLE wide world into this mix right? Not planned at all I swear, but when I was looking at my songs this one was one of my favorite love songs. This song was written for a friend of Chad Urmston, lead singer of SR. He wrote this song for a friend that was getting married. It is a song about love and saying that no matter what happens they will always be there for them. My favorite lines from the song is:
And I'll stand on your shoulders, to watch us grow older. I can see us far along the road, as the trail grows deeper. Your my giver my keeper, laughter for years untold
This song is usually sung at acoustic shows and I think I can say this is one of my top songs by them :) **could not add onto SR for some reason to imix so link here will let you download for free from me!
"First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes - the first time I heard this song was by Youtube star Julia Nunes. She covered this song on her channel and I fell in love with it. I have heard songs by Bright Eyes before, and I never came upon it till I saw her video. To me this song is about a person who fell in love and it was their first time really feeling this emotion, hence the line "Yours was the first face that I saw, I think I was blind before I met you". It is such a good song, especially if you are in love for the first time and don't know how to express it to the one you are in love with, just play them this song <3 lol.
"Jane Doe" by Never Shout Never - not a big fan of their music, but this song is a nice and simple one. This song was tweeted by author of Running With Scissors, Augusten Burroughs. This song reminds me of when you fall in love with some one and in your heart you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with them but you're falling in love with someone that you don't even know their name yet.
"Sea of Love" by Cat Power - remake of the original song by Phil Phillips. I don't think this song really needs an explanation of the meaning lol. It is truly one of my favorite songs in general.
"The Girl" by City and Colour - this side project band is led by one of the singers for alexisonfire, Dallas Green. Its a song, to me, about a girl who does everything to make this relationship work even though he's off doing his own thing, and to him he knows she'll always be there for him, if she ever left he'd lose it because she is his world. I think this relates very much to his real life relationship to his wife.

*hope you enjoy this playlist! Have a great Valentines day and if you're alone, like me, don't worry you really aren't alone :)

Eight || 357 days left...

Making a quick blog!
Currently babysitting the 3 little ones; yikes where's the Advil? ha.
So I downloaded aperture 3 for trial from apple. It is pretty cool, editing some photos that I will post up on here :)
Hmm what else can I talk about? Did anyone watch the winter Olympics opener? It was ok, I fell asleep towards the end but ended up recording it so I didn't miss a thing lol. I still like the opener for Beijing's summer one, no one could top that.
Tonight is speed skating with Apollo Onto Ohno! yayyy and I think it's amazing that Stephen Colbert is sponsoring the team after what had happen with their last sponser.
Ok I think I am gonna get are going nuts! Enjoy the photos!

Seven || 358 days left...

Happy Friday!
Nothing exciting happened today, just watched the kids, played the guitar and took an intense
Lately I have been dreaming about being this a sign of some sort? I mean the first dream I was 8months pregnant and just living my life and then today I had a REALLY weird dream during my nap. I was like 7 months pregnant and I was visiting people from my town (I guess I was living some where else than here) and everyone was asking who the dad is and rubbing my belly...then it cuts to a part where I am walking in a mall with a friend and started breaking out in Irish songs...very weird.
Winter Olympics is on tonight, well the opening ceremony at least lol. I remember when I first heard about where it was going to be held I was a junior in high school and me and lindsay were talking about going to it...yah obviously that didn't happen (LOL)
Right now I am watching 'Celebribty Rehab' and one of the clients dog is blind and she has to put him down...I feel like crying because I hate seeing dogs being put down, I've worked in a vet clinic where we would put down animals and it sucked seeing it happen...ok the tears just started falling...ugh I hate seeing that happen :(
I just looked up online what the meaning of dreaming of having a baby and most say the same thing:

Your dream is a very common one and usually represents a new beginning or a new creation in your life. It is generally very positive and indicates growth in your life!

I hope its right and that my life is going the right way. I can only hope for the better :)

Six || 359 days left...

I picked up my old guitar last night and I started to teach myself "Black Bird" by the Beatles. Such a good song...but I gave up on that because the plucking pattern got WAY too complicated.
But I have not given up on my dear old Betty (that's my guitar's name haha)!! I then taught my self today how to play "Mango Tree" by Angus and Julia Stone. It only involves 3 cords and one of those cords stays put for the whole song so it was fairly easy. The only really hard part is the plucking pattern, but if I watch the plucking video I think I can get it. My guitar is so out of tune; but I think I got it...while I was tuning the E cord (the 1st/thinner one) it snapped on me :( thank god I don't need it to learn Mango Tree haha.
So I applied at my brother's job. He works at Subway Headquarters. Basically he works with the franchise and he is in the department of sales (i think) and he is a team manager and they do stuff for I applied for the coordinator job. What that position is is that the coordinator orders new supplies for different stores, handle problems with stores, and I file papers. Pretty basic. I think it pays about $12/per hour, full time w. benefits? I think but I am not sure...I'm going to have to ask when I go for my interview! If I do get this job I think I'll have to go shopping, I only have a one pair of dress pants and limited choice of shirts appropriate for work (I'll have to cover up my arm tattoo)
Hopefully I get this job, I really need it! I mean I am out of school and I don't have a only income is from my mom and when I

Five || 360 days left...

snowpocalypse! snowpocalypse! snowpocalypse!
It seems my state has gone into full panic mode. Ha I love it. The snow fall isn't too bad anymore. But around 10am-ish it was a complete whiteout. But I hear later in the day it is suppose to get even worse than it is now. Accumulation of about 15" is predicted, even at the shore (where I live) and that is a lot!
-----[continued later in the day]-----
So it snowed even more and now it is icy and slippery out. Complete stand still, people are driving only if they absolutely have too. My room is the coldest in the house right now...I don't know why. The heat is on, my windows are closed...and I taped the a/c (the a/c is in the wall so we can't take it down lol).
I am soooo jealous of my cousin, she and her family is in Florida right now! ugh how I wish I was there right now in the sun! LAME! She got lucky though, they left this morning right before the weather got really bad.
Besides it snowing, I had a movie day. I watched the documentary "Dear Zachary: A letter to a Son about his Father". It was absolutely breath taking and I cried from the beginning to end. It is the story about the murder of Dr. Andrew Bagby by his ex girlfriend Shirley Turner. It was such a tragic and heartfelt movie. I can't tell you much about it because it will give it away but if you ever have the chance to watch it then do. But I do WARN you that it is very very tragic and heartbreaking, and if you get upset easily then you should not watch it.
This is random, but I want to go sledding tomorrow...LOL

Four || 361 days left...

Happy Wednes/LOST-day!
Just finished watching it. It was an okay episode, nothing really too exciting happen except for the fact that a certain character is back!! Finally!! haha, I won't say who and spoil it, you just have to watch it :)
Hmm...besides that nothing really happened today. I woke up feeling like nauseous and not too hot. But towards the afternoon I felt better. Then I went for a run. I'm actually getting pretty use to it. I ran about 2.11 mi today, which is awesome! my goal is to run at least 5k by the summer.
Tonight there is suppose to be a huge storm heading to my state, about 8-12". Ugh when will it ever end? I just want spring to come and make it warmer...dammit. The storm is said to be really bad...most of the state is closing down schools and my university closed, which is pretty bad.
Oooo before I go, I went to this new donation center called "Savers" it's pretty cool. I bought a polaroid camera for 4.99! I've been trying to find one online but the cheapest was about 15.99-ish. CRAZY, all I need is film and I am set :)
Okay, have a great night! <3

Three || 362 days left...

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!
So yesterday was the SUPER Bowl. How exciting right?; I've never really been a "sports" person. You'd think growing up with three older brothers that some of it would stick to me but no. The only sports that I really like are volleyball, soccer, and track. I never really got into the whole "american" sport, I mean I tried to coming from a town that is all about it and I did have to attend all the games due to the fact I was in the marching band; flutist (and YES american pie ruined my life...people always say the infamous quote when I tell them I played the flute).
Since we're on the topic of Highschool ... let's talk about! Hmmm what can I say? Originally I was suppose to go to a private school (Sacred Heart Academy) but my mom decided not too. So I just went to the local public one WHHS! Go DEVILS! I can really say that High School was a fun time for me. I wasn't part of the popular crowd but had fun with the friends I had.
Joined student council my freshman year, and I actually became secretary of the class, it was so much fun. Becoming secretary helped me overcome my fear of public speaking. How you ask? Well I surely wasn't automatically assigned that position, I had to do a 2 minute speech in front of my class...which may I add was over 300 it was so nerve racking but now I can do a speech without getting so nervous :) So I held that position for about 2 years then I was beat by another classmate (I hold no grunge...ha).
After passing down my position I still continued working with the student council. I helped with everything (prom, pep rally, homecoming, fundraisers, you name it I did it). Senior year was probably the best year for me. Since helping out with the student council I raised money to get a free year book, and 2 free prom tickets ... see every time we raised money individually we would get a portion of it back and it would go towards senior activities ... and yep I was that awesome LOL; this might sound a little conceded but I think the class should thank muah for helping lower their prom tickets from $75 to about $45/50 lol.
My group of friends was pretty small, but to me I do not think you need a million friends to make you happy. Most of my friends that I had made in high school I am still really good friends with and I am thankful for that (I'm still friends with my friend since I was about 6! <3 you jessie!!). We hung out mostly in the art rooms skipping class like any art student would haha. I miss my independent study, I would make a ton of mosaic pieces and just hang out in the back room doing my own thing; memories!
High School today is not the way it use to be. Too many girls getting pregnant and kids getting into things that they should not be getting into. It is like the generation is falling apart. It is so weird to hear certain terms from my cousin, who is about to enter high school, that mean one thing to me and another to her. For example, what do you think about when you hear "hooking up?" = sex right? nope it is just swapping spit (lol) and how about the term "friends WITH benefits?" SEX RIGHT? nope it just means friends that kiss...what? uh no lol.
I wonder what else is different now...

P.s. I've been watching 5awesomegays on youtube all day :) love 'em

Today I dub this "Sunday Music Reviews" where I will give you my top 5 songs of the week. I will also include an "iTunes iMix" which will provide you with all the songs if you would like to hear them, purchase them individually, or even buy the whole playlist! Hope you enjoy :)

"Everywhere I Go" by Lissie - this Illinois native singer/songwriter has become one of my new obsessions, one song in particular that was an instant favorite is 'Everywhere I go' off of her "Why You Runnin'" EP. I came about her music from news anchor, Brian Williams (which my I add, he has a pretty good taste in music). I was up watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon when he had mention one of his favorite new singers was this artist named Lissie. Her voice reminds me of Cat Powers; the honesty in her voice is the type that tells the truth and gives this haunting feeling. You know when you hear a song and you think to yourself, "Man; this is the theme song of my life" and that's what I definitely was thinking. To me I interpret this song as someone going through a very tough time and anything they do seems to cause them even more pain, hence, the lyric "Danger is everywhere I go". The person is trying to ask help from someone to become who they use to be. This someone could be seen as a friend, a loved one or even a higher power. The song is a powerful one and I think everyone could relate to it someway or another.
"New Fang" by Them Crooked Vultures - What would happen if you took the lead singers of the Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone age, then threw in the bassist from Led Zepplin, John Paul Johns? You'd get one hell of a rockstar group, that's what you'd get. With their new album self titled "Them Crooked Vultures" comes a new sound I think we have been secretly waiting for. One song that stuck out was 'New Fang'. Now listening to it there is a hint of "Mr. Blue Sky" sound in it, now I'm not saying it sounds like it but just a snip of it reminded me of ELO's song. This song is something I could run to, the beat is amazing and I love to rock out to it.
"I Don't Know What It Is" by Rufus Wainwright - What can you not love about Mr. Rufus Wainwright? His voice is so unique and he is an amazing songwriter. This song is one of my top favorites. Its a song about searching for something, even if you do not realize you are looking for that "something". To me I believe I am searching for who I really am when I listen to this song.
"Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear - BROOKLYN! you have yet to upset me with the music you keep producing. I mean you reek of indie rock bands that keep winning my dear young heart. You gave us Wakey!Wakey!, Dirty Projectors, MGMT, & many more and now I have fell in love again with Grizzly Bear. 'Two Weeks' is by far one of my favorites off their album, "Veckatimest" from the catchy piano tune in the beginning to the lead singer's voice that suddenly makes me think of the Shins. Well done Brooklyn, well done!
"Knights of Bostonia" by State Radio - this Sunday Music Review would not be complete without a shout out to my number one band. I came across State Radio through a friend my freshman year of college. She took me to a concert and they instantly won me over. Little did I know that I have been a fan of their lead singer, Chad Urmston. But I did not know him as Chad, I knew him as Chetro, one of the band members of the greatest band of independent music industry, Dispatch! Following the separation of the band, all 3 members going on to solo projects, Chad had started the band State Radio which to no surprise was a BIG hit in the indie music world. With their fourth album out, "Let it Go", comes a song that talks about standing up for what you believe in and rebelling towards those who have told you you can't live your life. You can say that's one of State Radio's motto, if you believe in something fight for it. State Radio is not only a great band but they are a caring one, almost all shows in the past year have had "pre-show activism" whether it be cleaning up a beach or protesting out side a politician's office [which I can say I have been a part of]. Learn more about their fight for human rights at

*hope you enjoyed the first of many music review. If you have some music I can listen to I am open to anything.